OR-Library is a collection of test data sets for a variety of OR problems.
A full list of the test data sets available in OR-Library can be found here.
There are 60 data files.
55 of these data files are the ones solved in "Constraint handing in genetic algorithms: the set partitioning problem" by P.C. Chu and J.E. Beasley, Journal of Heuristics, vol. 4, 1998, 323-357.
These data files are: sppnw01, sppnw02, ..., sppnw43 sppaa01, sppaa02, ..., sppaa06 sppus01, sppus02, ..., sppus04 sppkl01, sppkl02
The format of these data files is: number of rows, number of columns (n) for each column j (j=1,...,n) in turn: column cost, number of rows covered by j, list of the rows covered by j
These data files have been contributed by K.L. Hoffman and D. Levine
A subset of these problems have been solved in: K.L.Hoffman and M.Padberg, "Solving airline crew scheduling problems by branch-and-cut", Management Science, vol. 39, no. 6, pp657-682, June 1993. A perl script to convert these files to MPS format contributed by David Levine can be found here
The remaining 5 data files are the files used in: A lagrangean relaxation based algorithm for solving set partitioning problems by Krieken, M.G.C. van; Fleuren, H.A.; Peeters, M.J.P. (2004), see http://greywww.kub.nl:2080/greyfiles/center/2004/44.html
These files are: bills_snowflake delta exotic_fives heart meteor
These files have the same data format as described above and have been contributed by Maaike van Krieken (M.G.C.vanKrieken@uvt.nl)
The largest file is sppus01 of size 68Mb (approximately) The entire set of files is of size 124Mb (approximately).
Click here to access these files
Other test problems are available here