Someone looking for the Hoffman/Padberg SPP test set contacted me and I gave him a pointer to OR Library. He then asked if I had MPS-formated versions of these problems. I sent him the Perl script below which I wrote to generate MPS formated files from their current "airline format". David Levine Boeing Information & Support Services PO Box 3707 425-865-6115 (Voice) -|- MS 7L-20 425-865-2966 (FAX) ---o-O-o--- Seattle, WA 98124-2207 " " #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # This program reads converts MPS-formatted files to "airline format" # and vice versa It is written in perl which should exist on most Unix # systems. However, you may need to change the first line to reflect # the correct path to perl on your system. # # To run use either: # af2mps -mps mps_file # af2mps -af air_file [-ip] # # where: # # af2mps is the name of this perl script # "-mps mps_formated_file" means convert the MPS-formatted file, "mps_file" # to airline format which is written to standard output. # "-af air_file" means convert the airline-formatted file, "air_file" # to mps format which is written to standard output. The optional # parameter [-ip] specifies whether to write an integer program, i.e., # 'MARKER' cards are included in the COLUMNS section to delimit integer # variables. Otherwise the default is just to write a linear program. # # Example: Input in MPS format: # # NAME AIR01 # ROWS # N COST # E RW000001 # E RW000002 # E RW000003 # COLUMNS # MARK0000 'MARKER' 'INTORG' # CL000001 COST 3926 RW000001 1 # CL000001 RW000002 1 RW000003 1 # CL000002 COST 1776 RW000001 1 # CL000003 COST 2220 # CL000003 RW000002 1 RW000003 1 # CL000004 COST 2156 RW000001 1 # CL000004 RW000003 1 # CL000005 COST 968 RW000003 1 # MARK0001 'MARKER' 'INTEND' # RHS # RHS RW000001 1 RW000002 1 # RHS RW000003 1 RW000004 1 # RHS RW000005 1 # BOUNDS # UP bnd CL000001 1 # UP bnd CL000002 1 # UP bnd CL000003 1 # UP bnd CL000004 1 # UP bnd CL000005 1 # ENDATA # # Example: Output in airline format: # # 3 5 # 3926 3 1 2 3 # 1776 1 1 # 2220 2 2 3 # 2156 2 1 3 # 968 1 3 # # BUGS: The code is not to general, although it does handle 3 or 5 fields # in the COLUMNS section. It ignores MARKER cards, anything but N # and E rows, and the RHS and BOUNDS section (i.e., it assumes a pure # SPP problem with the rhs implicitly one). # # David Levine 2/20/93 # Argonne National Laboratory and Illinois Institute of Technology # Copyright under the GNU copyleft software licensing agreement # ############################################################################### # $debug = 1; if ( ($#ARGV != 1) && ($#ARGV != 2) ) # should have two or three arguments { &usage; } if (@ARGV[0] eq "-mps") { &mps_to_af(@ARGV[1]); # pass mps formatted file name } elsif (@ARGV[0] eq "-af") { $ip = 0; # default if not defined if ( ($#ARGV == 2) && (@ARGV[2] eq "-ip") ) { $ip = 1; } &af_to_mps( @ARGV[1], $ip ); # pass airline formatted file name } else { print "@ARGV[0]: invalid parameter\n"; &usage; } exit(0); # all done ############################################################################### # convert mps formatted input file to airline format ############################################################################### sub mps_to_af { local($file) = @_; # @_ is the list of paramaters passed in if (!open(FILE, "<$file")) { die "Cannot open file $file: $!\n"; } $erow = 0; # number of equality rows %rows = (); # mapping of row name to number @list_of_N_rows = (); # list of free rows @list_of_E_rows = (); # list of equality rows while ($_ = ) # process ROWS section { chop; last if (/^COLUMNS\s*/); # quit this section when hit "COLUMNS" if (/^\s*E\s*(\S+)\s*$/) # match an equality row { $erow++; $rows{$1} = $erow; push(@list_of_E_rows,$1); # add the row to the list next; } if (/^\s*N\s*(\S+)\s*$/) # match a free row { $crow++; push(@list_of_N_rows,$1); # add the row to the list next; } } if ( $debug ) # how to make this a command line arg? { print "rows = ",%rows,"\n"; print "list_of_E_rows = @list_of_E_rows\n"; print "list_of_N_rows = @list_of_N_rows\n\n"; } while ($_ = ) # process COLUMNS section { chop; last if (/.*RHS.*$/); # quit this section when hit "RHS" next if (/.*MARKER.*/); # skip "MARKER" cards # have a valid card in the COLUMNS section with either 3 or 5 fields ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) = split(' ',$_); # first test on name of row in second column if ( grep($_ eq $2, @list_of_N_rows) ) # is it a free row? { $columns{"cost",$1} = $3; # record c_j for this column push(@list_of_columns,$1); # add column $1 to list } elsif ( grep($_ eq $2, @list_of_E_rows) ) # or an equality row? { $list = $columns{"rows",$1}; $list .= " "; $list .= $2; $columns{"rows",$1} = $list; } # next, test on name of row in fourth column (may not exist) if ( grep($_ eq $4, @list_of_N_rows) ) # is it a free row? { $columns{"cost",$1} = $5; # record c_j for this column push(@list_of_columns,$1); # add column $1 to list next; # end of card, get the next } elsif ( grep($_ eq $4, @list_of_E_rows) ) # or an equality row? { $list = $columns{"rows",$1}; $list .= " "; $list .= $4; $columns{"rows",$1} = $list; next; } } if ( $debug ) # how to make this a command line arg? { print "\n\nlist_of_columns = @list_of_columns\n"; } $nrows = @list_of_E_rows; $ncols = @list_of_columns; print "$nrows $ncols\n"; foreach $col (@list_of_columns) { $myrows = $columns{"rows",$col}; # list of row names that $col covers # print "col = $col, myrows = $myrows\n"; # convert row names to numbers and count how many there are $nrows = 0; @row_cover = (); foreach $r (split(' ',$myrows)) { $nrows++; $row_number = $rows{$r}; push(@row_cover,$row_number); } print $columns{"cost",$col}, " $nrows @row_cover\n"; } } ############################################################################### # convert airline formatted input file to MPS format ############################################################################### sub af_to_mps { local($file,$ip) = @_; # @_ is the list of paramaters passed in if (!open(FILE, "<$file")) { die "Cannot open file $file: $!\n"; } %edatabase = ( ); ########## read the airline-formatted input file ########## $_ = ; # read and toss number of row and columns $j = 0; # count how many columns while ($_ = ) # process rest of input { chop; last unless $_; # Exit if completely blank line $j++; # chalk up another column @line = split(' ',$_); $len = @line; $edatabase{"cost",$j} = $line[0]; $edatabase{"ncv", $j} = $line[1]; $edatabase{"rows",$j} = join(" ",@line[2 .. $len-1]); # print "j = $j, cost = ", $edatabase{"cost",$j}, "\n"; # print " ncv = ", $edatabase{"ncv", $j}, "\n"; # print " rows = ", $edatabase{"rows",$j}, "\n"; } $ncols = $j; # save count of how many columns ########## build an array containing all the row numbers ########## @allrows = (); for ( $j=1; $j <= $ncols; $j++ ) { $temp = $edatabase{"rows",$j}; @rowlist = split(' ',$temp); foreach $r (@rowlist) { if ( !grep($_ eq $r, @allrows) ) # is this row already recorded? { push(@allrows,$r); # add the row to the list } } } # @allrows = sort @allrows; @allrows = sort numerically @allrows; @result = split(/\./,$file); $name = $result[0]; ########## write data out in MPS format ########## print "NAME $name\n"; print "ROWS\n"; print " N COST\n"; $~ = ROWS; foreach $r (@allrows) { write; } print "COLUMNS\n"; if ( $ip ) {print " MARK0000 'MARKER' 'INTORG'\n";} for ( $j=1; $j <= $ncols; $j++ ) { $~ = COLUMNS_COST; write; $temp = $edatabase{"rows",$j}; @rowlist = split(' ',$temp); foreach $r (@rowlist) { $~ = COLUMNS_VALUE; write; } } if ( $ip ) {print " MARK0000 'MARKER' 'INTEND'\n";} print "RHS\n"; $~ = RHS; foreach $r (@allrows) { write; } print "BOUNDS\n"; $~ = BOUNDS; for ( $j=1; $j <= $ncols; $j++ ) { write; } print "ENDATA\n"; } ############################################################################### # numeric sort ############################################################################### sub numerically {$a <=> $b} ############################################################################### # helpful message ############################################################################### sub usage { print "Can only accept two or three arguments:\n"; print " af2mps -mps mps_formated_file\n"; print " af2mps -af airline_formated_file [-ip]\n"; exit(-1); } format ROWS = E R@<<<<<<< $r . format COLUMNS_COST = C@<<<<<<< COST @<<<<<< $j, $edatabase{"cost",$j} . format COLUMNS_VALUE = C@<<<<<<< R@<<<<<<< 1 $j, $r . format RHS = RHS1 R@<<<<<<< 1 $r . format BOUNDS = UP BND C@<<<<<<< 1 $j .