Michael K. Warby Location: Room M301 of the Mathematics building. Postal Address: Brunel Institute of Computational Mathematics (BICOM), Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, U.K. Tel: ++44 1895 265604 Email: Mike.Warby@brunel.ac.uk
.... Not many details yet. Possibly more to follow ....
A compact terse list of useful (to me !) links.
MA1999 and FC L1 module MA1990 (C++ Programming part of the module (2009/2010)).
MA1999 and FC L1 module MA1990 (C++ Programming part of the module (2008/2009)).
MA1999 and FC L1 module MA1990 (C++ Programming part of the module (2007/2008)).
Level 1 module MA155A Programming: FORTRAN (1996/1997).
Level 2 module MA2930 Analysis (2003--)
Level 2 module MA2915 Linear and Numerical Methods (MATLAB COMPONENT, Aut 2003).
Level 2 module MA2051S Numerical Linear Algebra (2002)
Level 3/M.Sc. module MA3951/MA5352 Numerical and Variational Methods (Autumn 2004-)
M.Sc. module MA5151A C Programming and Nonlinear equations (Autumn 2002)
LaTeX related information for MA5399 (Feb 2004)
Timetabling information for 2024/5.