Dr. Lu Gan
Senior Lecturer on Signal and Image Processing College of Engineering, Design and Physical Science Brunel Univeristy, Uxbridge UK UB8 3PH Office: Howell Building 224 Tel: +44-1895265117 Fax: +44-1895269782 Email: lu dot gan at brunel dot ac dot uk |  | B Google Scholar Profile, Researchgate profile Book Chapters
Y.C. Shen & L. Gan, Terahertz imaging with compressed sensing, (Book Chapter, invited), "Optical Compressive Sensing" (editor: A. Stern, Taylor & Francis, 2016)
Journal Publications
- Y. Dong, H. Lin, V. Abolghasemi, L. Gan, J.A. Zeitler, Y.C. Shen, “Investigating intra-tablet coating uniformity with spectral-domain optical coherence tomography,” J. Pharmaceutical Science, vol. 106, no. 2, pp. 546-553, Feb. 2017
- Z. Zhang, L. Liu, AAB Sajak, L. Gan, Y. Huang, Y.C. Shen, “A Spinning Disk as a Spatial Light Modulator for Rapid Infrared Imaging,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 317-323, Feb. 2017
- V. Abolghasemi, H. Shen, Y.C. Shen, L. Gan, “Subsampled terahertz data reconstruction based on spatio-temporal dictionary learning,” Digital Signal Processing , vol. 43, pp. 1-7, Aug. 2015
- P. Zhang, L. Gan, S. Sun and C. Ling, “Modulated Unit-Norm Tight Frames for Compressed Sensing,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 63, no. 15, pp. 3974-3985, Aug. 2015 (Code) (slides)
- N. Y. Yu and L. Gan, “Convolutional compressed sensing using decimated sidelnikov sequences,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 591-594, May 2014
- K. Li, L. Gan and C. Ling, “Convolutional compressed sensing using deterministic sequences,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 740-752, Feb. 2013
- T. T. Do, L. Gan, N. H. Nguyen and T. D. Tran, “Fast and Efficient Compressive Sampling Using Structurally Random Matrices”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 139-140, Jan. 2012 (website)
- H.
Shen, L. Gan, N. Newman, Y. Dong, C. Li, S. C. Zhong, Y. Huang, Y.
C. Shen, “Spinning disk for compressive imaging,” Optics Letters, vol. 37, no. 1,pp. 46-48, Jan. 2012 video demo;
- S. Bravo-Solorio, L. Gan, A-K. Nandi and
M. Aburdene, “Secure Private Fragile Watermarking Scheme with
Improved Tampering Localisation Accuracy”. IET Information Security, vol. 4, pp. 137-148 Sept. 2010;
- Y.C.
Shen, L. Gan, M. Stringer, A. Burnett, K. Tych, H. Shen, J.E.
Cunningham, E.H. Linfield, A.G. Davies, E.P.J. Parrott,
J.A. Zeitler, L. F. Gladden, “Terahertz pulsed spectroscopic
imaging using optimized binary masks,” Applied Physics Letters, No. 95, pp. 231112-1 to 231112-3, Dec. 2009
- C. Ling, W-H. Mow and L. Gan, “Dual-lattice ordering and partial lattice reduction for SIC-based MIMO detection”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 3, pp. 975-985,Dec. 2009
- L. Gan and C. Ling, “Computation of Para-pseudo inverse: forward and backward Greville formulas”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 56, pp. 5851-5860, Dec. 2008;
- L. Gan, C. Tu, T. D. Tran, J. Liang and K-K. Ma, “Undersampled pre-/post-filtering for DCT based Coders”, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 16, pp. 428-441, Feb. 2007.
- J Liang, C. Tu, L. Gan, T. D. Tran and K.-K. Ma, “Wiener filter-based error resilient time domain lapped transform," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol.16, pp. 491-502, Feb. 2007.
- T.
Gan, L. Gan and K.-K. Ma, “Reducing video-quality fluctuations for
streaming scalable video using unequal error protection,
retransmission, and interleaving”, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 15, pp. 819-832, Apr. 2006.
- L. Gan and K.-K. Ma, “On minimal lattice factorization for symmetric-antisymmetric multifilter banks”, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 53, pp. 606-621, Feb. 2005.
- L. Gan and K.-K. Ma, “Time-domain oversampled lapped transforms: Theory, structure and application in image coding”, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 52, pp. 2762-2775, Oct. 2004.
- L.
Gan and K.-K. Ma, “A simplified lattice factorization for
linear-phase paraunitary filter banks with pairwise mirror
image frequency responses”, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-II, vol. 51, pp. 3-7, Jan. 2004.
- L. Gan and K.-K. Ma, “On simplified order-one factorizations of paraunitary filterbanks”, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 52, pp. 674-686, Mar. 2004.
- L.
Gan and K.-K. Ma, "Oversampled linear-phase perfect
reconstruction filterbanks: Theory, lattice structure and
parameterization”, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.51, pp. 744-759, Mar. 2003.
- L.
Gan, K.-K. Ma, T. Q. Nguyen, T. D. Tran and R. L. de Querioz, “On
the completeness of lattice factorization for linear-phase perfect
reconstruction filter banks”, IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 9, pp. 133-136, Apr. 2002.
- L. Gan and K.-K. Ma, “A simplified lattice factorization for linear-phase perfect reconstruction filter bank”, IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 8, pp. 207-209, July 2001.X.
Q. Gao, L. Gan and C. R. Zou, “Factorization for a subclass of
symmetric-antisymmetric multifilter banks and its application
in image coding”, IEE Electron. Lett., vol. 36, pp. 516-518, Mar. 2000.
- X.
Q. Gao, L. Gan and C. R. Zou, “Factorization for a subclass of
symmetric-antisymmetric multifilter banks and its application
in image coding”, IEE Electron. Lett., vol. 36, pp. 516-518, Mar. 2000.
Selected Recent Conference Publications
- K. Wu, W.
Wang, L. Gan and X. Gao, "Compressive CSI Acquisition and Non-Orthogonal
Pilot Design for Downlink Massive MIMO Systems," in Proc. of IEEE Global
Communications Conference 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Dec. 2016
- H. Deif,
W. Wang, L. Gan and S. Alhashmi, “A local discontinuity based approach for
monaural singing voice separation from accompanying music with multi-stage
non-negative matrix factorization,” in Proc.
of IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) 2015,
pp. 93-97, Dec. 2015, DOI
- P. Zhang,
L. Gan, S. Sun, and C. Ling, "Atomic Norm Denoising-based Channel
Estimation for Massive Multiuser MIMO Systems," in Proc. of IEEE International conference on Communications (ICC) 2015,
pp. 4564-4569, June 2015, DOI
- W. Zeng, H.-L.
Wang, G-J. Xu, L. Gan, “Deterministic construction of Quasi-Cyclic sparse
sensing matrices from one-coincidence sequence,” in 2015 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA),
pp. 153-157, June 2015, DOI
- S.K
Pedram, A. Haig, P.S Lowe, K. Thornicroft, L Gan and P Mudge, “Split-Spectrum
Signal Processing for Reduction of the Effect of Dispersive Wave Modes in
Long-range Ultrasonic Testing,” Physics
Procedia, vol. 70, pp. 388-392, 2015, link
- P. Zhang,
L. Gan, S. Sun, and C. Ling, "Deterministic sequences for compressive MIMO
channel estimation," (code)