Dr. Lu Gan
Senior Lecturer on Signal and Image Processing
College of Engineering, Design and Physical Science 
Brunel Univeristy, Uxbridge UK
Office: Howell Building 224
Tel:  +44-1895265117
Fax: +44-1895269782
Email: lu dot gan at brunel dot ac dot uk
picture of me
Short BioResearchPublicationsTeachingServices

Short Bio: Dr. Lu Gan received her B. Eng and M. Eng. degrees from South East University, China and the Ph. D degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 1998, 2000 and 2004 respectively. In January 2008, she joined Brunel university. Before that, she has been on the faculties with The University of Newcastle, Australia and University of Liverpool, UK.

Dr. Gan’s research interests include image/video coding and processing, multirate signal processing (wavelets and fitlerbank), compressed sensing, non-destructive testing and wireless communications etc. She is a member of IEEE and she serves on the technical program committees of several international conferences including Globecom and ICC.