Various bits of Grid-related MICE stuff

How to deal with certificates and stuff

How to get at the data!

Old summary for MICE Grid School

General Grid-related bits

To submit a simple test job:

voms-proxy-init -voms mice
( myproxy-init -d -n )
( glite-wms-job-list-match -a testMICE.jdl )
glite-wms-job-submit -a testMICE.jdl
glite-wms-job-status 'JobID'
glite-wms-job-output 'JobID'
cat /tmp/jobOutput/subID/hello.out
( myproxy-destroy -d )
CSH wrapper and JDL for g4beamline - uses LFC for output storage
Ancient CSH wrapper and JDL for g4mice - does NOT work with above

Some useful sites for Grid users:

Stuff for Admins

The YAIM fragment needed for configuring resources to support the MICE VO is below:

# MICE Experiment              Mar 2009
# Fragment for vo.d/mice
VOMSES="'mice 15001 /C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Manchester/L=HEP/ mice'"
VOMS_CA_DN="'/C=UK/O=eScienceCA/OU=Authority/CN=UK e-Science CA'"
You'll also need to create a suitable queue and add permissions:
MICE_GROUP_ENABLE="mice /mice/ROLE=lcgadmin  /mice/ROLE=production"
The groups.conf file will need entries like:
Details of how to get the VOMS server certificate are available here.

ONLY IF you have explicitly agreed to provide MICE with certain storage services, then you will also need to include the following roles

(and corresponding users.conf entries).

If you are setting up a UI, then the config files needed are in here. Unfortunately, helpful instructions will take a while longer...

Data transfer and storage

Installing Java CoG Grid clients under Windows (Sun JDK 1.4.2x or 1.5x):

  1. (System)Get the full kit ( from Unzip somewhere sensible and add the bin/ subdirectory to your path, and create env variable COG_HOME pointing at the release directory. Avoid spaces in directory names - esp. "Program Files"! Add "%COG_HOME%\bin" to %PATH%.
  2. (Each User)Create .globus/ under your home directory and put your user cert and key there.
  3. Create .globus/certificates to hold the CA certificates. These are *.0, and I stole them from from the /etc/grid-security/certificates directory on an LCG UI
  4. Run cog-setup.bat and answer the questions. The CA certificates should be found in %HOMEPATH%/.globus/certificates
  5. Use grid-proxy-init.bat to make a proxy.
  6. Then use cog-file-transfer.bat -s gsi -d file:/// to do test transfer.
Remember the .bat extension under Windows! Once you've done the configuration, it is also possible to create the proxy on a Linux box and copy it over, thus avoiding having to store the certificates on the Windows box.


C:\TEMP>cog-file-transfer.bat -s "gsi"  -d "file:///"
C:\TEMP>unzip -t
    testing: t_test.txt               OK
No errors detected in compressed data of

C:\TEMP>cog-file-transfer.bat -d "gsi" -s "file:///"

cog-file-transfer encrypts data channel - uses awful lot of CPU. Instead use globus-url-copy with -nodcau :

globus-url-copy.bat -nodcau "gsi" "file:///"

globus-url-copy.bat -nodcau "file:///" "gsi"


> globus-url-copy "gsi" "file://`pwd`/t_test.gz"
> zcat `pwd`/t_test.gz
You have just successfully transferred a file.
> gunzip -tv t_test.gz
t_test.gz:       OK

(> srmcp -debug=true "file:///`pwd`/holoplay.386.gz" "srm://")
> globus-url-copy "file://`pwd`/holoplay.386.gz" "gsi"

There probably won't be write access to the top of the MICE tree (gsi but rather a defined substructure such as directory names based on date. The tmp directory will probably get a cron job to clean it out daily. QA test will be in: gsi

There should probably also be a -nodcau on all globus-url-copy downloads, to avoid connection problems from the CPU load on the server.

Software installation

Coming soon!

Install in ${VO_MICE_SW_DIR}/g4beamline-<version>

Create ${VO_MICE_SW_DIR}/MICE/ Maps Magnets Windows

Publish G4BL-<version>

G4BL on Grid notes - wrapper must:

Config files for use with RB:
edg-job-submit --config gridpp_wl_cmd_var_mice.conf --config-vo gridpp_wl_vo_mice.conf testMICE.jdl
