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Last updated 12/11/2010






Professor Terry Young

Chair of Healthcare Systems


School of Information Systems, Computing & Mathematics

Brunel University

Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH

Desk: 018952 66052 Mob: 07786 546633

e-mail: terry.young@brunel.ac.uk

02 September 2010

PROFILE                                                                                More...

I am a professor with a unique ability to bridge - across disciplines, cultures and organisations - forged over 8½ years in academia and 16½ years in industry. I enjoy teaching and possess a first class record of research in science, technology, and Information Systems - commercially and academically - with strong management and commercial skills. Since 2001, I have built a portfolio of multi-university collaborative research in healthcare products and service.

My aims are to:

bullet Extend my healthcare research portfolio in terms of depth, delivery and policy reach.
bullet Play a strategic role in melding research, enterprise and executive education in new ways.
bullet Combine value-based research with new business models in healthcare.

I left industry because I believed in the ideas I was working on: that they could change the way we deliver healthcare. In focusing on the linkage between services and technology, and between evaluation and business models, I still believe the goal is reachable with the right team.


2001 Professor of Healthcare Systems, Brunel University

1999 GEC and the Marconi: Business Development Director - Medical Systems

1996 Manager, Optoelectronic & Interconnection Division

1989 Won IEE Premium for best paper in an IEE journal (see publication list, No 27)

1985 Senior Research Scientist, Marconi Research Centre, Chelmsford


PhD:   'A high precision laser heterodyne spectrometer', U of Birmingham, UK (1986)

BSc:   Electronic Engineering & Physics (Jt. Hons, 1st class),  U of Birmingham, UK (1981)



Although I have always enjoyed communicating, academic teaching has introduced me to new concepts and activities: learning outcomes and criterion based marking, for instance. In terms of the former, I have nearly managed to work the process properly from the end - setting the exam early, and reversing through preparation and refinement of the individual lectures. As to the latter, criterion-based techniques are now common for essay work and we have just modified the examination structure of the final year course in project management to apply criterion-based assessment.

I am in my fourth year as an external examiner for the Imperial College Business School and have particularly enjoyed the vivas of the medical students undertaking a year of business studies.


My industrial experience has taught me that there is real scope to apply team-working methods to great effect. In my mainstream research, this has resulted in multi-university, multi-disciplinary teams that have attracted significant levels of funding. My successes include:

bullet Grants won total around £13.5M, including the following active projects:
bullet MATCH (Phase 1 to 2008) with Birmingham, Nottingham, KCL & Ulster: £3.6M
bullet MATCH (www.match.ac.uk) to 2013 with Birmingham, Nottingham & Ulster: £6.9M
bullet MATCH-PLUS (as above): £1.75M
bullet RIGHT (www.right.org.uk) to 2009 with Cambridge, Cardiff, So'ton & Ulster: £1.1M
bullet Other income from MATCH networks: £660k (industrial) and £580k (NHS-based) to date

This has enabled me to work with some of the best researchers in the UK and to build a unique portfolio of interests, covering the delivery of healthcare from services and systems to technology, and covering a broad range of economic, technological and social science perspectives.

My publications include over 70 papers of all sorts (including the trade press) and 8 patents. The most cited -70+ on Google Scholar - has also been cited in company white papers and even used for on-line continuing medical education.


I have always taken a strategic interest in campus life. I chaired one of 8 working groups when the University re-organised itself, and have worked at centrel University Level on the Costing and Pricing Sub-Committee and the Research and Knowledge Transfer Committee and currently serve on the Committee for Academic Staff Promotions.




I enjoy lecturing on Software Project Management to the entire IS and CS Final Year cohort. My central concern over the past few years has been to migrate to a more practically relevant syllabus. A few years ago, we invited a team from commerce and industry in for a lunch at which we delivered the course at the rate of a week per slide - or the 24 week course in 20 minutes. This provided good feedback: we ditched most of the estimation methods and introduced Earned Value Analysis. I have also developed material around 'softer' management methods, adding in Belbin's model of roles, for instance, and something on customer relations. Last year, the module leader and I worked on the seminar programme, emerging with a more thematic programme (which even allowed Graduate Teaching Assistants to develop content). We have plans to take this further, in time, perhaps, introducing a business game into the seminar slots. Finally, we have developed the exam to include a wider range of techniques (including multiple-choice) and now criteria-based marking. Students report positively and like the way it is grounded in reality.

I have supervised and second-marked Final Year Projects (FYPs). Brunel places a strong emphasis on methodology, which has provided a counterbalance to my earlier experience in science and engineering, where results and reasoning were more prominent in the assessment. In 2003, I proposed and helped to introduce a Remedial Day for FYPs which was used until the programme was revamped this year. The rationale was to counter the fact that weaker students who were already struggling, tended to be given even more work to do, and this modification enabled those who failed their first phase to recover to a bare pass within a day and move on.


I have done a small amount of lecturing in e-Health and Telemedicine. I have also second-read MSc dissertations. One summer, I ran a series of open seminars for Masters students undertaking healthcare-related projects. Most recently, I have worked on a syllabus for a transformational Masters in healthcare leadership that would enable clinicians to move from clinical practice to board-level roles. The aim was that it would focus strongly on the 'softer' elements of leadership, with courses to study specific leaders and immersion in role play and scenario-based learning. I am just in the process of seeking an appropriate partnership for this.


I am currently second-supervising two students. My preference would be to develop a team supervision system - something that I hope to do in due time.


2010: Kirandeep Chahal (second supervisor)


As described above, I am committed to collaboration between universities and between the academic sector, the NHS and industry. Since 2001, my total income from grants and other sources is over £14.5M. The main research themes are described below.

The MATCH (Multidisciplinary Assessment of Technology Centre for Healthcare) programme is researching value-based analysis of medical devices from three perspectives - that of the user, the company that invents and brings it to market, and the service providers or their proxies that evaluate the technology for use by service providers. Among other things, the programme is developing guides and tools to enable inventors and small businesses to make very early predictions about the costs and benefits of new technology. A key goal is to embed these in a Bayesian framework that extends from first concept to in-market surveillance. Our two major thrusts are to create funding streams (by selling the research outputs and service based upon them) to sustain the programme beyond the end of the grant, and to push out internationally.

RIGHT (Research into Global Healthcare Tools) developed a selection tool to help those engaged in service development or delivery to select appropriate simulation or modelling methods when making decisions. We have also compared the use of simulation and modelling in healthcare with the use of similar techniques in commerce and industry, military and aerospace communities. Initial comparisons indicate that critical benefits achieved by industry (cost reductions and speedier logistics) and the military (training, development of doctrine and risk-reduction) resonate with healthcare needs. At present, we are bidding for a follow-on to the RIGHT 2-year feasibility study. My target is to obtain £10-20M over 4-5 years, involving all the top simulation, modelling and OR schools that have a significant healthcare presence in the UK.

Between them, MATCH (devices) and RIGHT (services) cover a significant piece of the healthcare delivery space. Critically, the interface between technology and services is becoming a very interesting policy field just now.

Even things I have tried that have not quite worked out have been interesting. A 'paper-in-a-day' experiment to write papers by going away overnight was not a great success in itself (although we have an interesting draft on the concept of the customer in banking on the table) but has provided an exemplar upon which I believe we can do some interesting writing within MATCH and RIGHT.

My patent portfolio is described under my industrial career.

Finally, although I have not yet landed a major grant in information systems, I have collaborated with a number of top class academics and have published several articles on IS.

Vision: The dysfunction between the world of technology and the world of service provision is fascinating. This portfolio of research aims to link qualitative evaluation to more quantitative methods (for instance to articulate price premium that user-preferred design features might attract) and to link both to persuasive business models. The goal is better services using better designed and more appropriate technology. The idea of groups of people working together to achieve more than the sum of what they would achieve as individuals is one I find highly attractive. So I hope to go after these goals with teams that have fun.


2010 - present: Committee for Academic and Staff Promotions. I am just going through my first cycle of this process, which provides a spectacular view of the talent across campus.

2005-2009: Research and Enterprise Committee (now the Research and Knowledge Transfer Committee). Specific activity has included the following:

bullet Working on business models to support changes that would enable research staff to migrate from fixed-term to permanent contracts. In the end, this was successful, although the mechanism ultimately imposed has proved highly bureaucratic.
bullet Quality assurance - one year I undertook a review of several of the University's Research Centres. This exercise gave me a new appreciation of some of the research being undertaken - especially in Music, where Brunel has a strong position in contemporary composition.

2006-2007: I spent about a year on the Costing and Pricing Sub-Committee - the effects of the transparency exercise and FEC being the main issues on the table at the time.

2004-2005: When Brunel restructured itself in 2004/5 it set up eight working groups to make proposals for combining departments into schools. The aim was that chairs could be selected away from their disciplinary fields and I chaired the working group that focused on a new Institute for the Environment. This was an interesting and challenging task because it represented a threat to both Biology and Geography on campus, and the role involved a delicate line between staff and management. Also, the various elements that were to be combined into and Institute for the Environment represented very different views and personalities. In the end, some of the scenario modelling proved prescient.

The experience convinced me that strategic business planning was still in its infancy as far as academia was concerned at the time. However, it gave me a good insight to much of the pedagogic bureaucracy. Moreover, from what I now see, the planning process has become - quite independently of me - very much better connected up.

2009-2010: I proposed and found a facilitator for a workshop (overnight at a local hotel) that brought staff from three Schools, a Pro Vice-Chancellor and the Vice-Principal together to discuss the University's opportunities in manufacturing (at its broadest) in the light of new initiatives coming from Government and the Research Councils. This has received good backing from the top and the first reports due out soon.

Vision: Universities are wonderful places. I would like better to understand how they work - through experience with the machinery of academe - and to leverage that to the greater benefit of those outside, and more fulfilment for those inside.

Grant Amount Date
 As principal Investigator
 MATCH 1 GR/S29874/01  £3,616,134  June 2003 - 2008
 MATCH Management top-up (EP/C513045/1)  £57,953  Nov 2004 - 2007
 RIGHT EP/E019900/01  £1,135,688  Mar 2007 - 2009
 MATCH renewal EP/F063822/1  £6,941,929  Nov 2008 - 2013
 MATCH-PLUS EP/G012393/1  £1,764,282  Nov 2008 - 2013
 Sub total  £13,515,986  
 As Co-Investigator
 Leverhulme Grant (Joint with Geoff Rodgers)  £44,764  October 2004
 Exemplar studies in assessing the value of innovative medical devices for adoption within the NHS (EP/F037775/1), R27110 with the University of Nottingham. (Total value £100,008)  £5,905  April 2008
 South Africa science networks (with Dr. Simon Taylor)  £5,500  April 2009 - June 2009
 Sub total  £56,169  
Other funding Amount Date
 MATCH 1 Industrial cash support  £617,000  To October 2008
 MATCH 1 PaSA support  £110,000  To October 2008
 MATCH 1 National Innovation Centre support  £110,000  To October 2008
 MATCH 1 NPSA support  £250,000  To October 2008
 Sub total  1,087,000  
 MATCH 2 Industrial cash support  £44,100  To January 2010
 MATCH 2 PaSA support  £55,000  To October 2009
 MATCH 2 National Innovation Centre support  £55,000  To October 2009
 Sub total  £154,100  
 Overall Total  £14,813,255  

Evidence of Esteem


Voted Most Respected Lecturer by the students in their Yearbook, 2003 and 2005.

Voted Most Interesting Lecturer/Staff Member in the Yearbook, 2008.

External examiner for Imperial College Business School (2006 - 2010).


Over the years, I have consulted for NICE, Manchester Strategic Health Authority, the Modernization Agency, Matrix and CTMM (see Grant & Research Review: my membership of their international review is handled as consultancy).

Paper review:

I review for a variety of Journals and conferences. Examples of journals include JORS and BMJ and conferences including ICIS ('09) and HICSS ('09 & '10).

I am joint Guest Editor of a Special issue of Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation on Healthcare simulation and modelling, due out in 2011.

Grant & Research Review:

Again, I have reviewed for EPSRC (and was a mentor at an EPSRC sandpit-type Workshop in 2006), ESRC and Wellcome.

I Peer Assist for the HaCIRIC Programme at Imperial (including International Review, Dec 2008), sit on the steering committee of SLIM (Lean Thinking in Hospitals) at Warwick, and am an advisor to the CHI+MED programme at UCL.

I am a member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee for CTMM (Centre for Translational Molecular Medicine in the Netherlands).


I sat on NICE's Evaluation Pathway for Medical Technologies (2009) Working group 2: Selection and Routing Criteria to inform a rapid-access process for device evaluation.

Invited talks:

In the '80s and '90s I received many invitations to speak on my research (see list of conference publications). The pattern is repeating itself in my new research role. Specific recent invited events include:


Sixth MedTech Investing Europe Conference (Lausanne, February 14-15, 2008). Invited panellist


Second International Health and Social Care Modelling 2008 (Portrush, March 18-22, 2008). Plenary speaker.


NIHR i4i Launch, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, 16 July 2008 (view presentation http://www.online-web-presentations.com//i4i-launch/S2.php and clicking 'i4i working in partnership.')


MIT-Portugal Workshop in the series: "Business-Government Interface for Biomedical Technologies", Braga, 30 May, 2008). Speaker


Modelling & Simulation for Emergency Management and Health Care Systems (Boston, 24-25 July, 2008). Speaker


Launch CTMM & Networking Day, Amsterdam, October 7th, 2008. (View report: http://www.ctmm.nl/pro1/general/start.asp?i=2&j=6&k=0&p=0&itemid=124).


Keynote Speaker, Medical Innovation Forum, Olympia, June 10th 2009.


Invited speaker, Ambient Assisted Living Forum, Vienna, Sept 29- Oct 1, 2009


Invited Paper, WinterSim 2009, Austin Texas, December 2009.


Invited Speaker, Almaden Institute, IBM Research, San Jose, April 28-29, 2010. (Watch the video)


Healthcare in GEC and then Marconi (1999 -2001)

I worked with clinicians and healthcare specialists on novel systems (e.g. an alternative to the NHS's National Programme for IT) and Lean healthcare. This informed corporate healthcare strategy around its imaging and communication strengths.

I ran strategic planning seminars with company experts. One of the most enjoyable involved exploring e-commerce options with a radiology supply business in Cleveland, Ohio, over two days. I put together an agenda that involved a mix of small group work, plenary reviews and 'infosnacks' in which selected individuals researched a given topic and reported back to the group in a 10-15 minute session. The surprise for me was that although the corporate centre of the company wanted to see radical new e-business models implemented, the team felt that 'bricks' would win out over 'clicks' (i.e. a physical presence with warehouses and dedicated logistics would ultimately beat a web presence on its own). History has proved the team right.

Strategic Research & Business Development (1998-1999)

Having moved out of line management, I realised that I needed to develop a new set of skills for managing through influence. I bought a very small amount of training (half a day from a mentor on a course I had been on) and started to learn how to make small groups work. I applied my growing competence in small-groups to technical and business teams. An interesting example was to build a web site in a day. In general, I was particularly keen to extract hard output, such as reports or presentations, rather than to be left with flipcharts and nice feelings at the end of a session. Data fusion was another new experience, and supported strategic work on information architectures. Through this work, I realised that I was drawn to big systems thinking.

Research Management at the Marconi Research Centre (1996-1998)

I ran a division of 24-30 people which tended to grow under my care, and required a budget of £2½-3½M per annum. In GEC, one had to secure much of the research funding from product units within the group, European sources, or contracts with other companies. Technically, I had responsibility for several small technology groups, covering a range of areas: advanced printed circuit boards, electronic design, wideband and multimedia, photonic systems and networks, plus miniature displays. As well as learning about new technologies (flexible and fineline printed circuit boards were new to me, as were the technologies around miniature displays), I discovered the importance of financial management and the way in which just one or two failing projects could take up an inordinate amount of management time. Looking back, I am most satisfied by the more practical projects - one went to the bottom of the sea for an oil company and another was destined for a camera system that was due to crash into an asteroid.

The most stretching element, however, was GEC's senior Personal Development Programme, which introduced me to some very high calibre managers and had a profound impact upon my own management style. Involving 360 reviews and peer-to-peer analysis it was quite painful at times, but provided a seminal and invaluable experience for me.

Business Development (1992 - 1995)

Alongside some project and line management of groups, I was able to focus on EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) and medical devices. As an example, the latter involved identifying some technology within the Research Centre that was useful in MR imaging. Training for this role was provided at the GEC Management College at Dunchurch, where I completed two week-long courses on marketing and business development.

Early Management at the Marconi Research Centre (1987 - 1994)

During this time I got my first experience in teams and it also broadened my technical background, introducing me to fabrication, polymers, systems and applications, as well as the basics of day-to-day management and staff development. The most challenging project was about 20 years ahead of its time - a collaboration with a US petro-chemical company wanting to make plastic integrated optics. They would provide the plastics, we would provide the design. It wasn't as simple as that, but I learned a lot about fabrication and the need to stick to a recipe. In the end, the partnership blew apart on commercial, rather than technical grounds.

I took my first steps in business development with a European project on fibre networks with the BBC. In retrospect, this was a seminal experience, since there were three studio communities. Firstly, there were the producers and actors who wanted to deliver an entertainment product. Secondly, there was a technical community that understood how to deliver the look and sound using the existing technology (bundles of cables, electronics switches, etc). Finally, we were trying to introduce a new technology which had to address the original look and sound, but from a completely different base. To us, the 'technical experts' were actually a barrier to engaging with the artistic staff. And cross-cultural barriers have been a recurring theme for me ever since.

Finite Element Analysis at MRC (1985 - c. 1988)

My brief was to build an integrated optics simulation suite. I was able to work with another team within the company and the resultant system attracted invitations to speak around the world, including my first and only trip to Japan. I sat on the usual national committees and international conference groups. It was a fun time.


The following have been filed, and a medical patent is going through, now owned by Phillips.

 UK Ref  Title  Topic  Status  Inventors  US ref  Title
GB 2189104 B Improvements in or relating to switching networks. Design of optical switch networks 732 Dec. '91 In force? Owen Young Don't believe there was a US filing  
GB 2193337 B Optical switch apparatus Delta-Kappa Switch UK: PCNP
Mar. ' 94
July ' 95 [1]
Young US 5013114 A Optical switch apparatus
GB 2209844 B Integrated Optic Device Outrigger waveguides for bends UK: PCNP
May '93
May ' 94
US 4906062 A Integrated Optical Waveguide Bend
GB 2215482 B Optical in-line filter TMI with bulbous mode mixer UK: PCNP May ' 93
Nov. ' 98
US 4952018 A Optical in line filters
GB 2219871 B Integrated Optic Devices Multimode bends UK: PCNP
Apr. ' 94
May ' 99
Young US 4993794 A Integrated optic waveguide with bend
GB 2221768 B Optical Devices Waveguide transistors UK: PCNP
Feb. ' 94
Sept. ' 95
Young US 5028108 A Bipolar transistor including optical waveguide
GB 2298931 B Virtual force feedback for synthetic environment Medical patent for minimally invasive surgery 732 in force?
Proceeding under section 32, Patents Act
Young None, as far as I know  
None, as far as I can see   Design improvement for polymer waveguides US: FP
Oct. '95
US 5037168 Optical waveguides
[1] European patent (EP 255 356 B1) Revoked ' 94


As an undergraduate, I built a 1-bit frame grabber to study laser speckle using an old TV camera and a state-of-the-art microprocessor, which I programmed in Z-80assembler. I built the circuitry, and the system was used for laser speckle studies in the Final Year Physics Laboratory for many years.

My PhD research involved building a tuneable dye laser heterodyne spectrometer to measure the hyperfine splitting of the 3P½ level of sodium to ±3kHz. This involved working with lasers and precision optics; designing electronics for almost every decade between mains at 50Hz and microwave circuits; and applying control theory. In addition, it brought me experience with high vacuum systems, power systems and experimental technique. I didn't publish anything until about 10 years later (having learned to publish in industry) and discovered that the measurements were still state of the art.

Personal Statement

In terms of Belbin roles, I am a shaper and networker. I especially enjoy working with high quality coordinators, plant and team-workers. I believe in learning by doing and have learnt a lot in my time as an academic.

I read widely and enjoy writing - including some easy-read Christian studies. The first (After the Fishermen) was an attempt to link the leadership training I was experiencing in industrial management, with the leadership I was part of in a local church, and the small-group training Jesus used with his disciples. A second, Jake, was a study on the Patriarch Jacob. The third, Going Global, was also published by Paternoster in 2009.

I spent much of 2009 reading around management theory, and was privileged to be able to take in seminars by many of the leading thinkers in the field (my gratitude to Sherlaws). I have just started to work on writing easy-read management theory aimed at doctors, nurses, and healthcare managers.

In terms of voluntary activity, I am a governor at a local school, Datchet St Mary's C of E Primary, where I chair the Finance Committee. I also sit on the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead's Governors Consultative Group. I am also active in my local church where I sit on the Church Council and speak at services.

When I have time, I enjoy poetry and painting - it used to be oils, but I mess around with acrylics these days.

I am married to Danielle and we have three sons.
