OR-Library is a collection of test data sets for a variety of OR problems.
A full list of the test data sets available in OR-Library can be found here.
There are 7 data files The restricted single-machine common due date problem can be stated as follows: A set of n jobs with deterministic processing times p(i) and a common due date d are given. The jobs have to be processed on one machine. For each of the jobs an individual earliness a(i) and tardiness b(i) penalty is given, which is incurred, if a job is finished before or after the common due date d, respectively. The goal is to find a schedule for the n jobs which jointly minimizes the sum of earliness and tardiness penalties. The data files are: sch10, sch20, sch50, sch100, sch200, sch500, sch1000 The format of these data files is: number of problems for each problem in turn: number of jobs (n) for each job i (i=1,...,n) in turn: p(i), a(i), b(i) The common due date d is calculated by: d = round [SUM_P * h] where round[X] gives the biggest integer which is smaller then or equal to X; Sum_P denotes the sum of the processing times of the n jobs and the parameter h is used to calculate more or less restrictive common due dates. For the following 280 benchmarks we used h=0.2; h=0.4; h=0.6 and h=0.8. [#########################################################################] UPPER BOUNDS FOR 280 INSTANCES Upper Bounds for the 10 job example (optimal objective function values are indicated by *): n=10 SUM_P h = 0.2 h = 0.4 h = 0.6 h = 0.8 k = 1 116 1,936 1,025 841* 818* k = 2 129 1,042 615* 615* 615* k = 3 125 1,586 917 793* 793* k = 4 102 2,139 1,230 815* 803 k = 5 94 1,187 630 521* 521* k = 6 88 1,521 908* 755* 755* k = 7 103 2,170 1,374* 1,101 1,083* k = 8 79 1,720 1,020 610* 540* k = 9 92 1,574 876* 582* 554* k = 10 127 1,869 1,136 710 671* Upper bounds for the 20 job examples: n=20 h = 0.2 h = 0.4 h = 0.6 h = 0.8 k = 1 4,431 3,066 2,986 2,986 k = 2 8,567 4,897 3,260 2,980 k = 3 6,331 3,883 3,600 3,600 k = 4 9,478 5,122 3,336 3,040 k = 5 4,340 2,571 2,206 2,206 k = 6 6,766 3,601 3,016 3,016 k = 7 11,10 16,357 4,175 3,900 k = 8 4,203 2,151 1,638 1,638 k = 9 3,530 2,097 1,992 1,992 k = 10 5,545 3,192 2,116 1,995 Upper bounds for the 50 job examples: n=50 h = 0.2 h = 0.4 h = 0.6 h = 0.8 k = 1 42,363 24,868 17,990 17,990 k = 2 33,637 19,279 14,231 14,132 k = 3 37,641 21,353 16,497 16,497 k = 4 30,166 17,495 14,105 14,105 k = 5 32,604 18,441 14,650 14,650 k = 6 36,920 21,497 14,251 14,075 k = 7 44,277 23,883 17,715 17,715 k = 8 46,065 25,402 21,367 21,367 k = 9 36,397 21,929 14,298 13,952 k = 10 35,797 20,048 14,377 14,377 Upper bounds for the 100 job examples: n=100 h = 0.2 h = 0.4 h = 0.6 h = 0.8 k = 1 156,103 89,588 72,019 72,019 k = 2 132,605 74,854 59,351 59,351 k = 3 137,463 85,363 68,537 68,537 k = 4 137,265 87,730 69,231 69,231 k = 5 136,761 76,424 55,291 55,277 k = 6 151,938 86,724 62,519 62,519 k = 7 141,613 79,854 62,213 62,213 k = 8 168,086 95,361 80,844 80,844 k = 9 125,153 73,605 58,771 58,771 k = 10 124,446 72,399 61,419 61,419 Upper bounds for the 200 job examples: n=200 h = 0.2 h = 0.4 h = 0.6 h = 0.8 k = 1 526,666 301,449 254,268 254,268 k = 2 566,643 335,714 266,028 266,028 k = 3 529,919 308,278 254,647 254,647 k = 4 603,709 360,852 297,269 297,269 k = 5 547,953 322,268 260,455 260,455 k = 6 502,276 292,453 236,160 236,160 k = 7 479,651 279,576 247,555 247,555 k = 8 530,896 288,746 225,572 225,572 k = 9 575,353 331,107 255,029 255,029 k = 10 572,866 332,808 269,236 269,236 Upper bounds for the 500 job examples: n=500 h = 0.2 h = 0.4 h = 0.6 h = 0.8 k = 1 3,113,088 1,839,902 1,581,233 1,581,233 k = 2 3,569,058 2,064,998 1,715,332 1,715,322 k = 3 3,300,744 1,909,304 1,644,947 1,644,947 k = 4 3,408,867 1,930,829 1,640,942 1,640,942 k = 5 3,377,547 1,881,221 1,468,325 1,468,325 k = 6 3,024,082 1,658,411 1,413,345 1,413,345 k = 7 3,381,166 1,971,176 1,634,912 1,634,912 k = 8 3,376,678 1,924,191 1,542,090 1,542,090 k = 9 3,617,807 2,065,647 1,684,055 1,684,055 k = 10 3,315,019 1,928,579 1,520,515 1,520,515 Upper bounds for the 1000 job examples: n=1000 h = 0.2 h = 0.4 h = 0.6 h = 0.8 k = 1 15,190,371 8,570,154 6,411,581 6,411,581 k = 2 13,356,727 7,592,040 6,112,598 6,112,598 k = 3 12,919,259 7,313,736 5,985,538 5,985,538 k = 4 12,705,290 7,300,217 6,096,729 6,096,729 k = 5 13,276,868 7,738,367 6,348,242 6,348,242 k = 6 12,236,080 7,144,491 6,082,142 6,082,142 k = 7 14,160,773 8,426,024 6,575,879 6,575,879 k = 8 13,314,723 7,508,507 6,069,658 6,069,658 k = 9 12,433,821 7,299,271 6,188,416 6,188,416 k = 10 13,395,234 7,617,658 6,147,295 6,147,295 [##########################################################################] These upper bounds together with the problem generator (see the file schpascal) are given in 'Benchmarks for scheduling on a single-machine against restrictive and unrestrictive common due dates' by D. Biskup and M. Feldmann, Discussion Paper No. 397, August 1998, University of Bielefeld. For further information please contact: Dirk Biskup or Martin Feldmann University of Bielefeld Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Postbox 10 01 31 33501 Bielefeld Phone: ++49 521 106 3929 / 3933 Fax: ++49 521 106 6036 Email: dbiskup@wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de and mfeldmann@wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de The largest file is sch1000 of size 200Kb (approximately) The entire set of files is 400Kb (approximately)
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