The lines below will have to have the name cr_zip.m
function cr_zip(a, zipname, quiet) %% cr_zip(a, zipname, quiet) creates a zip file called zipname % of the cell array a % if nargin<3 or quiet==0 then some intermediate messages are displayed % a backup of the .m files in a{} is also done % check the input that we have a cell array of strings b=a(:); n=length(b); ic=iscellstr(b); if ic==0 fprintf('input to %s has length %d\n', mfilename, n); fprintf('but it is not a cell array of strings, cannot contiue\n'); return; end % if a 3rd argument is not given then show the messages if nargin<3 quiet=0; end % check that the zip file name ends in .zip and adjust if not % and change any unacceptable chars in the name to _ lzip=length(zipname); if lzip<5 zipname=[zipname, '.zip']; lzip=length(zipname); end if zipname(lzip-3:lzip) ~= '.zip' zipname=[zipname, '.zip']; lzip=length(zipname); for i=1:lzip if char_check(zipname(i))==0 zipname(i)='_'; end end end % create a backup folder % xdone is set to 1 if this is successful xdone=0; iedir=exist('backup_assignment', 'dir'); if iedir~=7 x=mkdir('backup_assignment'); if x==1 xdone=1; end else xdone=1; end if xdone==1 if quiet==0 fprintf('Folder backup_assignment exists.\n'); end else fprintf('Warning: failed to create folder backup_assignment\n'); end % check which files exist using y() and warn about those which do not % and also get the last modified times in lm() of the .m files which % is used to name the backup file % 2 is the code for a file % y2 just collects the m-files as only these are backed up y=zeros(n, 1); y2=zeros(n, 1); lm=zeros(n, 1); me=0; mne=0; m_too_large=0; for i=1:n f=a{i}; lf=length(f); fdet=dir(f); if length(fdet)>0 y(i)=1; y2(i)=1; lm(i)=fdet.datenum; if f(lf-1:lf)~='.m' lm(i)=-1; end if f(lf-3:lf)=='.txt' y2(i)=0; end me=me+1; else fprintf('Warning: file %s does not exist\n', f); mne=mne+1; continue; end end if me==n if quiet==0 fprintf('All %d files exist.\n', n); end else fprintf('%d file(s) exist, %d file(s) do not exist\n', me, mne); end if me==0 fprintf('no files exist, hence no zip file created\n'); return end % show the name of the most recently changed file % and create part of the backup file name as fpart [flm, ii]=max(lm); f=a{ii}; fdet=dir(f); if quiet==0 fprintf('Most recently changed .m file is %s with the change at %s\n',... f,; end; l=length(fpart); for k=1:l if fpart(k)==' ' || fpart(k)==',' || fpart(k)==';' ... || fpart(k)=='.' || fpart(k)==':' fpart(k)='_'; end end % create a cell array c of the files that exist v=find(y); c=b(v); % create a cell array c2 for the ones to be backed-up v2=find(y2); c2=b(v2); % create the zip file zip(zipname, c); % also create a backup of the zip file bver=['b_ver_', zipname]; lbver=length(bver); if xdone==1 dsep='/'; dpwd=pwd; kdir=find(dpwd=='\', 1); if length(kdir)==1, dsep='\'; end nam=['backup_assignment', dsep, bver(1:lbver-4), '_', fpart, '.zip']; lnam=length(nam); for i=1:lnam if char_check(nam(i))==0 nam(i)='_'; end end zip(nam, c2); fzipb=dir(nam); if quiet==0 fprintf('%s created and has %d bytes\n', nam, fzipb.bytes); end end end function x=char_check(c) % return 1 if c is a valid char for the file name x=1; if c=='/' || c=='\' || c=='.' || c=='_' return end if 'a'<= c && c<='z', return, end if 'A'<= c && c<='Z', return, end if '0'<= c && c<='9', return, end x=0; end