Introduction to VRML 2.0
Introduction to VRML 2.0
Table Of Contents
Part I: Shapes, Geometry, Color
Introduction to VRML 2.0
Understanding Key Concepts
Building Primitive Shapes
Building Text Shapes
Transforming Shapes
Controlling Appearance with Materials
Grouping Nodes
Inlining World Components
Adding Anchors to Your World
Part II - Geometry, Texture, and Lights
Building Shapes out of Points, Lines, and Faces
Building Elevation Grids
Building Extruded Shapes
Binding Colors to Coordinate-based Geometry
Mapping Textures
Controlling how Textures are Mapped
Controlling Shading using Normals
Lighting Your world
Controlling how Shapes are Shaded
Part III: Environment, Sound, Viewer Sensors
Adding Backgrounds
Adding Fog
Controlling Detail
Controlling the Viewpoint
Controlling Navigation Info
Controlling Collision Detection
Providing Information about Your World
Adding Sound
Key Dynamics Concepts
Sensing the Viewer
Sensing the User's Actions
Part IV: Time, Interpolators, Scripts
Using Time to Animate
Interpolating Positions
Interpolating Other Data Types
Introducing Script Use
Introducing Program Script Writing with JavaScript
Creating New Node Types
Concluding Remarks