Details of GridPP-related Grid computing work at Brunel can be found at
Currently I am working on the integration of R-GMA into BOSS for job monitoring. This is to be tested on LCG2. I also get to help out with the Brunel cluster.
Check Young consumer status; Gabor producer status; Gabor browser; dgc-grid-42 browser; LCG registry
GSTAT site GIIS Monitor (CNAF instance) replaced by VAPOR and LCG tests, SAM tests, NAGIOS tests, NGS conformance and tests, and GOC accounting for for Brunel (GridPP view); storage accounting status
UK CA, GOC docs and FAQ page, GGUS, GGUS, LCG Docs and Downloads, LCG Directory, LCG releases, gLite releases, GridPP wiki, R-GMA for LCG
GOC monitoring page, EGEE monitoring page, GridView, GridMon, Grid Map, GOC DB, GridPP Ops Bulletin
CMS Prod board,
old dashboard ,
old dashboard,
Brunel subscriptions,
and main ,
and job robot.
Atlas UK,
Panda monitor
and SW installs,
LHCb DIRAC monitor.
Tier 1 status, and FTS
Setting up a User Interface: these are records that cover the pre-config, the UI itself, R-GMA and finally BOSS (for CMS types). See also
Further Reading:
Other stuff: