Professor Terry Young
Chair of Healthcare

Peer reviewed journal papers
Jahangirian, M., A. Naseer, L. Stergioulas, T. Young, T. Eldabi, S. Brailsford, B. Patel and P. Harper
(2010) Simulation in health-care: lessons from other sectors Operational Research Published online
14 October 2010 doi: 10.1007/s12351-010-0089-8
Girling A, Young T, Brown C and Lilford R (2010)
Early-Stage Valuation of Medical Devices: The Role of Developmental
Uncertainty Value in Health 13 (5);585-591 doi:
Naseer A., Eldabi T. and Young T. (2010) Can
we help healthcare practitioners to make better use of simulation
and modelling? Journal of Simulation (JOS) 4
(1);2-18 doi: 10.1057/jos.2009.19
Jahangirian M., Eldabi T., Naseer A., Stergioulas
LK, Young T. (2010) Simulation In Manufacturing And Business:
A Review European Journal Of Operational Research 203
Young TP and McClean SI (2009) Some challenges
facing Lean Thinking in healthcare International Journal
of Quality in Healthcare 21 (5);309-310
Eatock J, Dixon D and Young T (2009) An Exploratory
Survey of Current Practice in the Medical Device Industry Journal
of Manufacturing Technology Management 20 (2); 218-234
McGrath K, Hendy J, Klecun E and Young T (2008)
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
23 (Article 33); 603-618
Vallejo-Torres L, Steuten, LMG, Buxton MJ, Girling
AJ, Lilford RJ and Young T (2008) Integrating Health Economics
Modelling in the Product Development Cycle of Medical Devices:
a Bayesian approach International Journal of Technology Assessment
in Health Care 24 (4);459-464
Young TP and McClean SI (2008) A critical look
at Lean Thinking in healthcare Quality & Safety in Health
Care 17 (5);382-6
Brown A, Meenan BJ, Dixon D, Young TP and Brennan
M (2008) Application of the Experience Curve to Price Trends
in Medical Devices: Implications for Product Development and
Marketing Strategies . Journal of Medical Marketing.
8 No. (3);241-255.
Steuten L, Vallejo-Torres L, Young T, Buxton
M (2008) 'Transferability of economic evaluations of medical
technologies - Exemplar of a new technology used in orthopaedic
surgery'. Expert Review of Medical Devices 5
Cosh E, Girling A, Liford R, McAteer H and Young
T (2007) Investing in new medical technologies: a decision framework.
Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 13 (4);263-271
Connell NAD and Young TP (2007) Evaluating healthcare
information systems through an "enterprise" perspective Information
and Management 44 (4);433-444
Brown A, Meenan BJ and Young TP (2007) Medical
device prices follow the experience curve. Journal of Medical
Marketing 7 (3);203-212
Avison D and Young T (2007) Time to rethink health
care and ICT? Communications of the ACM, 50 (6);
Eldabi T, Paul R and Young T (2007) Simulation
modelling in healthcare: reviewing legacies and investigating
futures. Journal of the Operational Research Society
58 (2);262-270
Baldwin LP, Low PH, Picton C and Young TP (2007)
The use of mobile devices for information sharing in a technology-supported
model of care in A&E International Journal of Electronic
Healthcare 3 (1);90-106
Young TP (2005) An agenda for healthcare and
information simulation, Health Care Management Science
8; 189-196
Young TP, Brailsford S, Connell C, Davies R,
Harper P, Klein JH (2004) Using industrial processes to improve
patient care, BMJ 328; 162-164
Rodgers GJ, Yap YJ and Young TP (2003) Simple
models of waiting lists, Advances in Complex Systems,
6 (2);215-222
Hood KJ, Walland PW, Nuttall CL, St Ville LJ,
Young TP, Oliphant A, Marsden RP, Zubrzycki JT, Cannell G, Bunney
C, Laude JP and Anson MJ (1993) Optical distribution systems
for television studio applications, Journal of Lightwave
Technology 11 (5/6);680-687
Young TP (1992) Finite element modelling of a
polarisation independent optical amplifier, Journal of Lightwave
Technology 10 (5);626-633
Croston IR, Young TP and Morasca S (1990) A highly
dispersive wavelength division demultiplexer on InGaAlAs-InP
for 1.5um operation, IEEE Photonics Technology. Letters,
2 (10);734-737
Croston IR and Young TP (1990) Design of an InGaAlAs/InP
'3mi' wavelength division demultiplexer employing a novel mode
transformer, Electronics Letters 26 (5); 336-337.
(6 citations)
Dillon BM, Ferrari RL and Young TP (1990), A
hybrid finite element/boundary element method for the analysis
of discontinuities in dielectric waveguides, Electronics
Letters 26 (1);47-48
de Bernardi C, Morasca S, Rigo C, Sordo B, Stano
A, Croston IR and Young TP (1989) Wavelength demultiplexer integrated
on AlGaInAs/InP for 1.5um operation, Electronics Letters
25 (22);1488-1489
Radcliffe SN and Young TP (1988) New low-loss
bend structures for high density integrated optical switch arrays"
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications 6
(7);1169-1177 (16 citations)
Young (1988) Design of integrated optical circuits
using finite elements Proceedings of the IEE 135 pt.
A (3);135-144 (1988) (IEE Premium Award 1989)
Other journal papers
Young T and McClean S (2009) Lean in Healthcare
National Health Executive 2 (5); 76-77
Young T (2009) The Roads to Market On Target
29; 14-15
Young T (2008) Healthcare Innovation: A critical
barrier Public Services Review: Science and Technology
1 (1); 166-167
Dong, H., Borroff, M., Etter, M., and Young,
T. (2006) Cost effectiveness and implant development strategies.
ABHI Focus Magazine August: 15
Young TP (2005) Value propositions within the
medtech sector MedTech Business Review 1 (1);122-126
Tyler SG and Young TP (1999) Packaging, interconnect
and the systems integrator GEC Review 14 (1);37-46
Young TP(1994) Accessible algorithms enhance
optical design Opto & Laser Europe 14; 29-31
Young TP (1994) CAD Tools for optoelectronic
subsystems GEC Journal of Research 11 (2);110-121
(3 citations)
St. Ville LJ and Young TP (1993) Transparent
networks for multi-format optical communications GEC Journal
of Research 10 (2);67-72
Young TP, Radcliffe SN, Davies AJ and Smith P
(1988) BEAMER - a design tool for integrated optics GEC Journal
of Research 6 (3);152-161 (7 citations)
Young TP, Wong K-K, O'Donnell AC and Parsons
NJ (1987) A compact LiNbO3 optical switch at 1.3um GEC Journal
of Research 5 (1);62-64
Young TP and Smith (1986) Finite element modelling
of optical waveguides GEC Journal of Research 4 (4);249-255
(1986) (5 citations)
Conference Papers
Young, T, Eatock, J, Jahangirian, M, Naseer,
A, Lilford, R (2009) Three critical challenges for modeling
and simulation in healthcare, in Proceedings of the 2009
Winter Simulation Conference M. D. Rossetti, R. R. Hill, B.
Johansson, A. Dunkin and R. G. Ingalls, eds. pp 1823-1830
Brown, A, Dixon, D., Eatock, J., Meenan, B.J.
and Young, T.P. (2008) A Survey of Success Factors in New Product
Development in the Medical Devices Industry Engineering Management
Conference, IEMC Europe 2008 Estoril, Portugal, 28 June
Hendy J, Klecun E, McGrath K, Willcocks L and
Young T (2008) Evaluating 'Connecting for Health': Policy implications
of a UK mega-programme, In Proceedings of the HCC8 Conference,
Pretoria, 25-26 September 2008
McClean S, Young T, Bustard D, Millard P, and
Barton M (2008) Discovery of Value Streams for Lean Healthcare.
Accepted for IEEE International Conference in Intelligence Systems,
Varna, Bulgaria, September 6-8, 2008.
Young T (2008) Sustainable Modelling? Select
for success. Proc in Modelling & Simulation for Emergency Management
and Health Care Systems - NIST Conference, Boston, 24-25 July
Young T (2008) So, where do simulation and modelling
fit in? Second International Conference on Health and Social
Care Modelling, Portrush, March 18-22, 2008 (Invited).
Green D and Young T (2008) Value propositions
for information systems in healthcare. Proc 41st Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences: 257
Brown A, Meenan, BJ and Young TP (2007) Price
trend analysis and its implications for the development of new
medical technologies 29th Annual International Conference
of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Lyon, France, 23-26 August 2007, p.5156-9
Eldabi T and Young T (2007) Towards a framework
for healthcare simulation" Proc WinterSim 2007, Washington December:
8-12. (Invited)
Young T (2005) Early HTA - Approaches, Methods,
and Opportunities to Support Pre-Market Decision-Making by Industry,
Special Issue (Bringing HTA into practice, 2nd Annual Meeting,
Rome20th-22nd, June 2005) Italian Journal of Public Health
2 (2);75
Young TP (2004) "MATCH: A role for academia and
major research funders in generating research evidence", in
Delivering Quality in the NHS 2004, Eds Rawlins M and
Littlejohns P, Radcliffe Medical Press, Oxford
Young TP (2003) 3rd International Conference
on Healthcare Technology & Management 7-9 September 2003
Nawa M and Young TP (1998) "Low close-to-carrier
noise systems", IEEE Proc. International Topical Meeting on
Microwave Photonics, Princeton, NJ, October 12th-14th, 1998.
Paper P11, pp 87-9
Pescod CR, Auker GM, Sharp PT, Sirett RG and
Young TP (1998) "Packaging for millimetre wave fibre-radio modules",
IEEE Proc. International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics,
Princeton, NJ, October 12th-14th, 1998. Paper MB6, pp 25-27
Young TP and Griffith (1994) JAR "Optical heterodyne
measurement on the sodium D1 line", Digest of the Fifth European
Quantum Electronics Conference, August 29 - September 2, Amsterdam.
p 46
Young TP (1993) "CAD/CAM Issues in Integrated
Optics", Proc. Second Workshop on Integrated Optics for Military
and Commercial Applications, Huntsville, Alabama, December 7-9
Young TP Aitken AJS and Hall DD (1993) "Design
and initial evaluation of a compact optical splitter and 16-channel
modulator array on Ti:LiNbO3". ECIO '93, Neuchatel, April 19th-22nd.
Proc. European Conference on Integrated Optics
Young TP (1993) "CAD Tools for integrated optical
design". OSA Topical Meeting on Optical Design for Photonics,
Palm Springs, March 22nd-24th. Technical Digest Series 9, pp
16-19 (Invited)
Young TP (1991) "CAD tools for optoelectronic
simulation and design," OPTCON '91, November 3rd-8th, San Jose.
OSA Technical Digest Series, 17, p 31 (Invited)
Young TP and Croston IR (1991) "Heterojunction
bipolar transistor waveguides on InP". IPR '91, Monterey. Proc.
OSA Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonic Research, Technical
Digest Series 8, paper ThF2, p 108
Young TP, Janson M and Gustavsson (1991) "Polarisation
insensitive optical amplifiers: modelling and measurement".
IPR '91, Monterey. Proc. OSA Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonic
Research, Technical Digest Series 8, paper WD1, p 65
O'Donnell AC,Wood IA, Young P and Parsons NJ
(1990), "A 1:32 polarisation insensitive switch for analogue
systems". IEE Colloquium, Savoy Place, London. October 26th
Dillon BM, Ferrari RL and Young TP (1990) "Analysis
of discontinuities in planar dielectric waveguides using a hybrid
finite-element/boundary-element method". IPR '90, Hilton Head
Island, March 26th-28th. Proc. OSA Topical Meeting on Integrated
Photonic Research, paper TuE2
Croston IR and Young TP (1990) "Highly dispersive
InGaAlAs/InP 3mi wavelength division multiplexer". IPR '90,
Hilton Head Island, March 26th-28th. Proc. OSA Topical Meeting
on Integrated Photonic Research, paper WA7
Young TP (1990) "Computer aided design of integrated
optics: closing the synthesis loop". IPR '90, Hilton Head Island,
March 26th-28th. Proc. OSA Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonic
Research, paper MA4 (Invited)
Young TP (1989) "Computer aided design of integrated
optical components", Proc. IOOC '89 paper 19D2-1. 7th International
on Integrated Optics and Optical Communication, Kobe, Japan,
July 18th-21st (Invited)
de Bernardi C, Morasca S, Rigo C, Sordo B, Stano
A, Croston IR and Young TP (1989) "Two mode interference wavelength
demultiplexer integrated on InP for 1.5 or 1.3um operation",
Proc. ECIO '89. 5th European Conference on Integrated Optics,
Paris, April 26th-28th 1989. SPIE 1141 pp 238-241
Bourbin Y, Enard A, Blondeau R, Rondi D, Glastre
G, Papuchon M, Young TP and Radcliffe SN (1989) "Monolithically
integrated multi/demultiplexer in InGaAsP/InP", Proc. ECIO '89.
5th European Conference on Integrated Optics, Paris, April 26th-28th
1989. SPIE 1141 pp 59-66
Young TP, Armstrong GA and Smith P (1989) "Finite
elements analysis of an InGaAsP/InP modulator", Proc. ECIO '89.
5th European Conference on Integrated Optics, Paris, April 26th-28th
1989. SPIE 1141 pp 103-110
Young TP, "Integrated optical device simulation
- an industrial perspective", Proc. Workshop on Numerical Simulation
and Analysis in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics, pp 42-45,
Houston, February 5th 1989 (Invited)
Lagasse P, De Zutter D, Buus J, Young TP, Dillon
BM, Nolting HP, C. WEINERT, Di Vita P, Potenza M, Besse PA,
Gu J-S, Galtarossa A, Someda GC, Amann M-C, Borchert B, van
der Toll JJGM, Baken NHG, Borubin Y, Cavailles JA, Erman M,
and Gamonal R (1988) COST-216 comparative study of eigenmode
analysis methods for single and coupled integrated optical waveguides,
Proc. ECOC '88. 14th European Conference on Optical Communication,
Brighton, 11th-15th
Young TP and Smith P (1987) "Finite element analysis
of the electro-optic effect in optical waveguides", Proc. ECIO
'87, pp 164-167. 4th European Conference on Integrated Optics,
Glasgow, May 11th-14th
Young TP, Armstrong GA and Smith P (1988) "Semiconductor
finite elements for integrated optics", Proc. IGWO '88. Topical
Meeting on Integrated and Guided Wave Optics, Santa Fe, March
28th-30th (Poster)
Young TP Wong K-K, O'Donnell AC andParsons NJ
(1987) "Switching action in directional couplers by direct control
of coupling strength", Proc. OFC/IOOC '87 paper Tu04. 6th International
Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication,
Reno Nevada, January