Spider - The Best-First
Search (BFS) spider begins at the URLs you
provide, then follows the links on those first
pages deeper and deeper.
- Big Picture(sm) Visual Browsing in
Web and non-Web Databases - HotSauce "is a 3D
information navigation system that allows users
to effortlessly explore Internet or intranet
websites and desktop content"
- EDV: The Exploratory Data Visualizer - Bell labs application. Allows
multiple linked perspective views for analysing
large data sets.
- ET-Map - ET-Map is a prototype Internet
homepage categorization system developed by the
AI Group in the MIS Department at the University
of Arizona
- HCI Research at Georgia Tech - We are conducting research in
immersive and 3D HCI.
- IEC - IRIS Explorer Center - a powerful, easy-to-use,
sophisticated visualisation system with a user
environment that allows users and application
developers to build complex applications for
visualising sets of data.
- Information Retrieval at Glasgow - follow the research from people
such as C.J. van Rijsbergen and Matthew Chalmers.
- Information
Visualization at CWI
- based in the National Research Institute for
Mathematics and Computer Science in the
- Information
Visualization research at GVU - working on concepts like
Information Murals and Semantic Zooming.
- Information
Visualization at the Univ. Texas. - Pan American - projects have explored
information visualization and interactive
environments for visualization primarily in the
domain of document retrieval.
- Institute for Visualization and
Perception Research
- The Institute for Visualization and Perception
Research (IVPR) is an interdisciplinary
group whose research and contract activities
focus on the development of systems, displays and
interaction techniques that enable scientists to
explore multidimensional databases by visual and
other perceptual means.
- Internet Mapping Project
- Indiana Univ. Visual Inference
Laboratory - a
multi-disciplinary research institute aimed at
investigating the ways that visual
representations support reasoning.
- Lighthouse - a novel interface concept for
information retrieval that integrates the
traditional ranked list and a clustering
Navigator - a
graphical Web browser which supports
collaborative learning.
- NicheWorks - tool developed by Graham Wills
for analysing trends in huge datasets using node/link
Information Retrieval Visualization Engine (NIRVE) - a 3-dimensional interface
designed to enhance the information retrieval
process by providing an overview of a set of text
documents as well as access to the details of the
individual documents through seamless user
navigation and manipulation.
- Nonlinear Magnification Home Page - Nonlinear magnification
is a term that reflects the fundamental process
that is central to the many techniques which have
been described in the literature under such names
as "fisheye views" "distortion-oriented
presentation" and "focus+context".
- Pad++ Zoomable User Interfaces
- Q-PIT : a populated information
terrain - examines
issues from multi-user virtual reality, data
visualisation and the use of databases to support
cooperative work.
Visualization Group
- investigating novel ways of exploring
information. These include new types of
visualizations based on 3D graphics, animation,
distortion and other types of techniques.
- SGI - MineSet - data mining software: "data
warehousing, data mining, and visualization are
the new paradigm for analyzing and understanding
your vast wealth of information."
- ThinkMap - produce software that uses 3D
animation to facilitate a diverse range of IT
tasks including information retrieval.
- TreeMaps - another visualisation approach
for hierarchical data from HCIL, U of Maryland.
- the mapping search-engine
by Trivium
- Visualization
and Virtual Reality Group - conducts research in
visualization and virtual environment
technologies in order to demonstrate the utility
and feasibility of visual displays of information
to industry and government.
Centre, Brunel University, UK - under the direction of Chaomei
Chen, this group seeks to bring together
researchers from closely related research fields
in order to pursue high-quality research within
the field of visualisation and HCI.
- A novel SOM-based approach to free-text mining - Self Organised
- Xerox PARC UIR Information
Visualization -
have created a set of new interactive
visualizations for hierarchical information (cone
tree, Hyperbolic Tree, Spiral Calendar, Disk Tree),
linear information (Perspective Wall), matrix
information (Table Lens), information space x
time (Time Tube), document visualization (Document
IV Overviews
- Advanced
Visual Systems -
variety of high quality tools for visual data
- Cosmo Player - excellent VRML player
- Hypercosm, Inc. - web-oriented 3D toolkit
KDNuggets - long list of links to commercial
visualisation software.
- Latent Semantic Indexing - Telcordia now issue licenses for
this well respected text analysis algorithm
- LSA@CU Boulder, USA - Nice interactive site
demonstrating the power of Latent Semantic
- Morfit 3-D Software - Developers - comprehensive and free world/game
development kit (looks good but I haven't tried
it yet)
- Vios - free software that puts the entire
Internet inside a single shared 3D landscape.
Software can be downloaded or ordered on CD
- ViSta The Visual Statistics System - Free visual data analysis
software. Nice scaling algorithms and graphing
- VTK -
Open source C++ library for developing
- Wild Tangent - Free SDK for developing DirectX applications
using Visual Basic, Java and JavaScript. Includes
a nice web-driver that allows you to embed your
applications within HTML pages. Powerful and very
easy to learn. Highly recommended.
- package to aid development of zoomable user
ILOG Discovery - Visual data analysis tool to visualize
and edit data sets in a very wide variety of views:
2D graphs and charts, various kinds of
treemaps, parallel coordinates, parallel histograms.
The evaluation version is free.
Inxight software - commercial spin-off from Xerox
PARCs visualisation and content-analysis research.
Includes Table Lens, Hyperbolic Trees (Star Trees)
- search the Open Directory with this neat visual
of the Market - a
good commercial example for those interested in
stocks and shares.
- Explore Landscapes of Information. Thousands of news articles, press
releases and discussions, all mapped by topic
onto a visual landscape.
provides a wealth of tools for exploring the
information, including query, subset, and trend
analysis tools.
SpotFire - information search/data analysis
application supported by a variety of
visualisation tools.
SSEC Visualization Project Bill
Hibbard - focuses
on making advanced visualization techniques
useful to scientists in their daily work. We
accomplish this goal by making two scientific
visualization systems, named Vis5D and VisAD,
freely available over the Internet.