* CM14.in June 10, 2006; TJR mod. JJN/KT Nov/Dec 2007 * * NOTE: Calorimeter2 is still part of the TRD, and thus is in this file. # # This file is intended to be included from the specific input file; # this file does not define parameters that vary with beam momentum # or emittance. # # Command-line parameters (optional - default as follows): # first=0 last=1000 viewer=none # # NOTES: # # dp/p = 2.5% is only 11 MeV/c, which seems too small! # (old tests showed we need +- 17 MeV.c) # # The MICE beamline is from # CM14-Osaka_Beamline1,6,10piAttempts@200Mevc.xls # # Cherenkov1 is the C6F14 radiator. It is placed centered between Q6 # and Q7, not where Kevin had it in the spreadsheet. The thickness of its # mirror is not given in the TRD, 1 mm Al is assumed. # # Note TOF1 is 24.6 mm further from the IronShield than is TOF2. # # The vacuum windows and pipes are my best GUESS -- this needs to be # properly designed. APPROXIMATION: the vacuum windows are flat. # # The MICE magnetic lattice for the cooling channel is Stage VI, flip, # beta=42 cm, 200 MeV/c, 7.1pi. # # APPROXIMATION: The DecaySolenoid map is for 3.7 T, scaled to the desired # value. # # APPROXIMATION: The RF layout is from Study2, not updated. # # APPROXIMATION: I have an old spreadsheet for computing the absorber # and safety window profiles. # # APPROXIMATION: the outer shapes of quads and bends are wrong; but there # are no particles of interest out there, so that's OK. # # APPROXIMATION: neglect the varying density of the ISIS beam over # the target. # # APPROXIMATION: the ISIS vacuum and pipe do not implement ISIS at all, # but are OK for our pions. # # APPROXIMATION: the vacuum between Q3 and B1 is a box without any pipe # # APPROXIMATION: the vacuum between B1 and DecaySolenoid is a box # without any pipe # command-line parameter default values param -unset first=0 last=1000 viewer=none param -unset steppingFormat="TAG CL STEP VOL MAT PROCESS B" # Absorber material, LH2 or Vacuum param -unset absMaterial=Vacuum #param -unset absMaterial=LH2 # HistoScope filename from first event # param histoFile=$first histoUpdate=100000 # trace reference and center particles trace # Colors param -unset vacuumPipeColor=0.6,0.6,0.6 ### ### general definitions ### param -unset worldMaterial=Air maxStep=100.0 #physics LHEP_BIC physics QGSP_BIC trackcuts keep=proton,pi+,mu+,e+ kineticEnergyCut=30 maxTime=1000 particlecolor proton=1,0,0 pi+=0,1,0 mu+=0,0,1 plus=1,0,1 minus=1,1,0 \ neutral=0,1,1 reference=1,1,1 coil default material=Cu tolerance=0.001 solenoid default color=1,1,0 # Target is 1mm wide and 10mm long: (1*cos(25*deg)+10*sin(25*deg))/2 = 2.57 # For now we assume the target dips 2mm into the ISIS beam. # sigmaP, sigmaXp, and sigmaYp are determined empirically to be larger than # the actual beamline acceptance. # (In the beam command, sigma<0 means a flat distribution with that halfwidth.) beam gaussian sigmaX=-2.57 sigmaY=-1.0 meanMomentum=$piMomentumRef \ particle=pi+ sigmaXp=-0.040 sigmaYp=-0.020 sigmaP=-17 \ firstEvent=$first lastEvent=$last virtualdetector asciiDet file=for009.dat format=for009.dat radius=800. length=1 maxStep=1 material=Vacuum color=1,1,0 ### ### define the beamline magnets and components ### virtualdetector TargetDet radius=100 length=1 material=Vacuum noSingles=1 genericquad QuadTypeIV fieldLength=853.4 apertureRadius=101.5 ironRadius=381 \ ironLength=914 ironColor=0,.6,0 kill=1 fringe=0 # Type I bend shimmed to 200 mm gap genericbend BendTypeI fieldWidth=660 fieldHeight=200 fieldLength=1038 \ ironColor=1,0,0 ironWidth=1828 ironHeight=1320 ironLength=990 # PSI solenoid (map is for 3.700 T), scaled to desired value coil Decay innerRadius=60.0 outerRadius=97.0 length=5000.0 \ mapFile=Maps/DecaySolenoid_3.7T.map solenoid DecayS coilName=Decay current=$DecaySolenoid/3.7053 color=1,1,0 tubs SolenoidBody innerRadius=97.0 outerRadius=180 length=5000 kill=1 \ color=1,1,0 tubs DecayEnd innerRadius=48 outerRadius=180 length=68 material=Fe kill=1 \ color=1,1,0 # invisible shield to kill junk from B1 that misses the aperture tubs DecayShield innerRadius=180 outerRadius=1000 length=2 kill=1 \ color=invisible # the assempled DecaySolenoid group DecaySolenoid length=5138 radius=0 material=Vacuum place DecayShield z=-2568 place DecayEnd z=-2534 place DecayS z=0 place SolenoidBody z=0 place DecayEnd z=2534 endgroup # Proton Absorber. material H Z=1 A=1.00794 density=0.0838 material C Z=6 A=12.011 density=2.265 material polyethylene density=0.93 C,0.856 H,0.144 box ProtonAbsorber width=400 height=400 length=50 material=polyethylene \ color=1,0,1 # Type QC Quads - includes mirror plates #genericquad QuadTypeQC fieldLength=660 poleTipRadius=171.5 coilRadius=236 \ # coilHalfwidth=57 ironRadius=700 ironLength=1046 ironColor=0,.6,0 \ # kill=1 # Changed pole tip radius to match real/TTL genericquad QuadTypeQC fieldLength=660 poleTipRadius=178.2 coilRadius=236 \ coilHalfwidth=57 ironRadius=700 ironLength=1046 ironColor=0,.6,0 \ kill=1 fringe=0 # Diffuser tubs Diffuser outerRadius=200 material=Pb length=$DiffuserThickness color=1,0,1 virtualdetector DiffuserDet radius=200 length=0.1 # Collimator -- place twice, on beam left and right box Collimator width=600 height=500 length=150 material=Fe color=.8,.8,.8 kill=1 ### ### The beamline vacuum components ### ### GUESS: vacuum windows are 0.5mm Al, flat. ### GUESS: 0.5mm Al flat isolation windows at each end of DecaySolenoid. ### NOTE: vacuum3 and vacuum4 intersect B1; this is OK as all are Vacuum. tubs ISISVacuum outerRadius=100 length=600 material=Vacuum tubs vacuumWindow outerRadius=120 length=0.5 material=Al color=$vacuumPipeColor tubs ISISPipe innerRadius=100 outerRadius=103 length=600 material=Al \ color=$vacuumPipeColor kill=1 tubs vacuum1 outerRadius=100 length=2143 material=Vacuum tubs pipe1 innerRadius=100 outerRadius=103 length=2143 material=Al \ color=$vacuumPipeColor kill=1 tubs vacuum2 outerRadius=100 length=486 material=Vacuum tubs pipe2 innerRadius=100 outerRadius=103 length=486 material=Al \ color=$vacuumPipeColor kill=1 box vacuum3 width=300 height=200 length=1643 material=Vacuum box vacuum4 width=300 height=200 length=1745.2 material=Vacuum virtualdetector B1Det width=300 height=200 material=Vacuum noSingles=1 \ color=1,1,1 ### ### The MICE particleID elements ### ### APPROXIMATION: the Ckov1 mirror is approximated as 1 mm Al, not tilted ### APPROXIMATION: the octagonal Cherenkov2 box is approximated as a circle ### APPROXIMATION: the Ckov2 mirror is flat material scintillator density=1.032 C,0.918 H,0.082 virtualdetector TOF0 height=480 width=480 length=50.8 color=1,1,1 \ material=scintillator virtualdetector TOF1 height=480 width=480 length=50.8 color=1,1,1 \ material=scintillator virtualdetector TOF2 height=480 width=480 length=50.8 color=1,1,1 \ material=scintillator material F Z=9 A=18.998 density=1.5 material C6F14 density=1.6 C,0.213 F,0.787 material Si Z=14 A=28.086 density=2.33 material O z=8 A=15.999 density=0.001 material mylar density=1.39 C,0.625 H,0.042 O,0.333 material quartz density=2.20 Si,0.467 O,0.533 tubs Cherenkov1FrontWindow outerRadius=230 length=0.2 color=1,0,0 material=mylar virtualdetector Cherenkov1 radius=230 length=20 color=0,0,1 material=C6F14 tubs Cherenkov1Window outerRadius=230 length=2 color=0,1,0 material=quartz box Cherenkov1LightBox width=550 height=550 length=478 material=Air color=1,1,1 box Cherenkov1Mirror width=550 height=550 length=1 material=Al color=1,1,1 box Cherenkov1ExitWindow width=550 height=550 length=0.2 material=mylar \ color=1,1,1 group Ckov1 place Cherenkov1FrontWindow place Cherenkov1 rename=Cherenkov1 place Cherenkov1Window place Cherenkov1LightBox place Cherenkov1Mirror place Cherenkov1ExitWindow endgroup material aerogel density=0.2 Si,0.292 O,0.666 H,0.042 tubs Cherenkov2Window outerRadius=400 length=1.0 material=Al color=0,0,1 virtualdetector Cherenkov2 radius=400 length=100 material=aerogel color=0,0,1 tubs Cherenkov2LightBox outerRadius=670 length=367 material=Air color=1,1,1 material lexan density=1.20 C,0.756 H,0.055 O,0.189 tubs Cherenkov2Mirror outerRadius=400 length=3 material=lexan color=1,1,1 group Ckov2 place Cherenkov2Window place Cherenkov2 rename=Cherenkov2 place Cherenkov2LightBox place Cherenkov2Mirror place Cherenkov2Window endgroup material calorimeter density=3.7 Pb,0.85 scintillator,0.15 virtualdetector Calorimeter width=1200 height=1200 length=160 \ material=calorimeter color=0,1,1 ### ### The MICE cooling channel solenoids and IronShield ### all currents give Bz>0; rotation=Y180 is used for Bz<0. ### # TRD CM13 Table 4.1-1 coil Focus innerRadius=263 outerRadius=347 length=210 coil Coupl innerRadius=725 outerRadius=841 length=250 coil Match1 innerRadius=255 outerRadius=355 length=202 coil Match2 innerRadius=255 outerRadius=312 length=202 coil End1 innerRadius=255 outerRadius=393 length=120 coil Center innerRadius=255 outerRadius=305 length=1260 coil End2 innerRadius=255 outerRadius=404 length=120 # TRD CM13 Flip mode, Case 1 Stage VI solenoid Focus coilName=Focus current=113.95 solenoid Coupl coilName=Coupl current=96.21 solenoid Match1 coilName=Match1 current=56.30 solenoid Match2 coilName=Match2 current=66.79 solenoid End1 coilName=End1 current=62.80 solenoid Center coilName=Center current=64.44 solenoid End2 coilName=End2 current=67.11 # Tracker2Field is an opera2d map including the iron shield; no physical coil. # When used, the place commands for Center and End2 must have current=0. coil Tracker2Field mapFile=Maps/Tracker2-SEPT04.map solenoid Tracker2Field coilName=Tracker2Field current=1.0 # IronShield is the magnetic shield for TOF1 and TOF2 tubs IronShield innerRadius=250 outerRadius=750 length=100 material=Fe \ color=0.7,0.7,0.7 ### ### The MICE Trackers ### ### APPROXIMATION: each SciFi station is approximated as 2.0mm scintillator ### GUESS: the vacuum window is 1mm Al, flat; placed in the center of End2. ### APPROXIMATION: the tracker pipe ends at the vacuum window (make room for ### the Diffuser) virtualdetector SciFi radius=150 length=2.0 color=0,0,1 material=scintillator # FOR009.DAT virtualdetector for emittance computation virtualdetector Emit radius=150 length=1.0 format=for009.dat file=$first \ material=Vacuum color=1,0,1 tubs TrackerPipe innerRadius=200 outerRadius=255 length=2491 material=Al \ kill=1 color=1,0,1 tubs TrackerWindow outerRadius=200 length=1.0 material=Al color=1,0,0 group Tracker1 material=Vacuum length=2491 radius=0 place TrackerWindow z=-1245.0 place SciFi rename=Tracker1a z=-1045.5 place Emit place SciFi rename=Tracker1b z=-595.5 place Emit place SciFi rename=Tracker1c z=-245.5 place Emit place SciFi rename=Tracker1d z=-45.5 place Emit place TrackerPipe z=0 place SciFi rename=Tracker1e z=54.5 place Emit endgroup group Tracker2 material=Vacuum length=2491 radius=0 place SciFi rename=Tracker2a z=-54.5 # place Emit place TrackerPipe z=0 place SciFi rename=Tracker2b z=45.5 # place Emit place SciFi rename=Tracker2c z=245.5 # place Emit place SciFi rename=Tracker2d z=595.5 # place Emit place SciFi rename=Tracker2e z=1045.5 # place Emit place TrackerWindow z=1245.0 endgroup ### ### The MICE Absorbers ### ### APPROXIMATION: I used an old spreadsheet to compute window profiles absorber Abs absWindow=abs300 safetyWindow=safe320 insideLength=350 \ absMaterial=$absMaterial windowMaterial=Al safetyDistance=133 \ color=0,1,0 tubs AFCPipe innerRadius=160 outerRadius=263 length=850 material=Al \ color=$vacuumPipeColor tubs AbsCenter outerRadius=150 length=0.1 material=$absMaterial color=1,0,0 group Absorber radius=0 material=Vacuum length=850 place Abs rename=Abs z=0 # place AbsCenter parent=Abs z=-0.05 place AFCPipe z=0 endgroup ### ### The MICE RF Linacs ### ### APPROXIMATION: the drawings in the TRD gave no dimensions, so these ### are Study2 RF cavities. ### APPROXIMATION: the RF windows are flat, 0.38mm thick. #pillbox Pbox maxGradient=16 frequency=0.20125 innerLength=430 pipeThick=3 \ # wallThick=3 irisRadius=210 collarRadialThick=25 collarThick=12.5 \ # win1Thick=0.38 win1OuterRadius=140 win2Thick=0.38 winMat=Be \ # phaseAcc=40 skinDepth=0.1 timingTolerance=0.001 \ # tuneEnd=RF2C1 goalFactor=1.0 initialStep=0.5 tuneTolerance=0.001 # for empty absorber and no RF pillbox Pbox maxGradient=0 frequency=0 innerLength=430 pipeThick=3 \ wallThick=3 irisRadius=210 collarRadialThick=25 collarThick=12.5 \ win1Thick=0.38 win1OuterRadius=140 win2Thick=0.38 winMat=Be \ skinDepth=0.1 innerRadius=608.5 tubs RFPipe innerRadius=700 outerRadius=725 length=1900 material=Al \ color=$vacuumPipeColor group RF radius=0 material=Vacuum length=1900 place Pbox z=-690 rename=C1 place Pbox z=-230 rename=C2 place RFPipe z=0 place Pbox z=230 rename=C3 place Pbox z=690 rename=C4 endgroup ### ### Cooling channel vacuum components ### tubs vacuumPipeA innerRadius=200 outerRadius=255 length=285 material=Al \ color=$vacuumPipeColor group vacuumA radius=0 material=Vacuum place vacuumPipeA endgroup ### ### Lay out the beamline ### # reference particle for manually tuning B1 reference referenceMomentum=$piMomentumRef particle=pi+ beamZ=0 place TargetDet z=152 parent=ISISVacuum place ISISVacuum z=0 place ISISPipe z=0 place vacuumWindow z=300.25 place vacuumWindow z=399.75 place vacuum1 z=1471.5 place pipe1 z=1471.5 place QuadTypeIV rename=Q1 gradient=$Q1 z=3000 place vacuum2 z=3700 place pipe2 z=3700 place QuadTypeIV rename=Q2 gradient=$Q2 z=4400 ironColor=0,0,.6 place vacuum2 z=5100 place pipe2 z=5100 place QuadTypeIV rename=Q3 gradient=$Q3 z=5800 place vacuum3 z=7078.5 place BendTypeI rename=B1 By=$B1 z=7434.2+($B1offset) x=200 rotation=Y30 \ fieldMaterial=Vacuum cornerarc z=7434.2 angle=60 centerRadius=1038 place vacuum4 z=8722.6 #place B1Det parent=vacuum4 z=0 place vacuumWindow z=9595.45 place DecaySolenoid z=12164.7 place vacuumWindow z=14733.95 # reference particle for manually tuning B2 and RF reference referenceMomentum=$muMomentumRef particle=mu+ beamZ=12164.7 place ProtonAbsorber z=15070 rotation=Y15 place BendTypeI rename=B2 By=$B2 z=15281.7+($B2offset) x=100 rotation=Y15 \ fieldMaterial=Air cornerarc z=15281.7 angle=30 centerRadius=2005.2 # Hunt the missing muons place asciiDet rename=TestafB2 z=16400 place asciiDet rename=Testb4Q4 z=17300 place asciiDet rename=TestafQ4 z=18000 place asciiDet rename=Testb4Q5 z=18450 place asciiDet rename=TestafQ5 z=19200 place asciiDet rename=Testb4Q6 z=19600 place asciiDet rename=TestafQ6 z=20400 place asciiDet rename=Testb4T0 z=20800 place asciiDet rename=TestafT0 z=20900 place asciiDet rename=Testb4C1 z=21000 place asciiDet rename=TestafC1 z=21600 place asciiDet rename=TestX1 z=22600 place asciiDet rename=TestX2 z=23300 place asciiDet rename=TestX3 z=24000 place asciiDet rename=Testb4Q7 z=24900 place asciiDet rename=TestafQ7 z=25700 place asciiDet rename=Testb4Q8 z=26100 place asciiDet rename=TestafQ8 z=26800 place asciiDet rename=Testb4Q9 z=27200 place asciiDet rename=TestafQ9 z=28000 place asciiDet rename=Testb4T1 z=28800 place asciiDet rename=TestafT1 z=29000 place asciiDet rename=TestafT1a z=29100 place asciiDet rename=TestafT1b z=29200 place asciiDet rename=TestafT1c z=29300 place asciiDet rename=TestafT1d z=29400 place asciiDet rename=Testb4DF z=29474.8 #place asciiDet rename=Det# z=16000 place asciiDet rename=Tom z=16600 place asciiDet rename=Dick z=16700 place asciiDet rename=Harry z=24700 ### ### After B2, switch to the MICE coordinates (center of Absorber2 is z=0) ### place OFFSET z=35480.1 #place Collimator z=-18426.5 x=$CollimatorHalfAperture+300 #place Collimator z=-18426.5 x=-$CollimatorHalfAperture-300 place QuadTypeQC rename=Q4 gradient=$Q4 z=-17818.5 fieldMaterial=Air place QuadTypeQC rename=Q5 gradient=$Q5 z=-16658.5 fieldMaterial=Air ironColor=0,0,.6 place QuadTypeQC rename=Q6 gradient=$Q6 z=-15498.5 fieldMaterial=Air place TOF0 z=-14643.1 # Ckov1 placed centered between Q6 and Q7 #place Ckov1 z=-12842.5 KT/JJN move: place Ckov1 z=-14167.2 place QuadTypeQC rename=Q7 gradient=$Q7 z=-10186.4 fieldMaterial=Air place QuadTypeQC rename=Q8 gradient=$Q8 z=-9026.4 fieldMaterial=Air \ ironColor=0,0,.6 place QuadTypeQC rename=Q9 gradient=$Q9 z=-7866.4 fieldMaterial=Air place TOF1 z=-6611 ### ### Lay out the MICE cooling channel ### ### AUG05 value, Cooling Channel TRD 09/09/2005 place IronShield z=-6461 place Diffuser z=-6011-$DiffuserThickness/2 place DiffuserDet place End2 z=-5951 rotation=Y180 current=0 place Center z=-5201 rotation=Y180 current=0 place Tracker1 z=-4705.5 place End1 z=-4451 rotation=Y180 place Match2 z=-4052 rotation=Y180 place Match1 z=-3611 rotation=Y180 place vacuumA z=-3317.5 place Focus z=-2955 rotation=Y180 place Absorber rename=Abs1 z=-2750 place Focus z=-2545 place Coupl z=-1375 place RF rename=RF1 z=-1375 place Focus z=-205 place Tracker2Field z=0 rotation=Y180 place Absorber rename=Abs2 z=0 place Tracker2Field z=0 place Focus z=205 rotation=Y180 place RF rename=RF2 z=1375 place Coupl z=1375 rotation=Y180 place Focus z=2545 rotation=Y180 place Absorber rename=Abs3 z=2750 place Focus z=2955 place vacuumA z=3317.5 place Match1 z=3611 place Match2 z=4052 place End1 z=4451 place Tracker2 z=4705.5 place Center z=5201 current=0 place End2 z=5951 current=0 place IronShield z=6461 place TOF2 z=6586.4 place Ckov2 z=6711 front=1 place Calorimeter z=7228 front=1 ### ### an NTuple for good particles ### ntuple GoodParticle detectors=TargetDet,B1Det,TOF*,Cherenkov*,DiffuserDet,Tracker*,Calorimeter \ required=TargetDet,TOF0,TOF1,TOF2