SWATCH ------ Freeware Swatch - Simple WATCHer - sits in the background and monitors the system logs in real time for pre-defined events, by comparing new entries against a series of serch terms. When such events occur it will signal this with a pre-determined alarm, such as a particular number of beeps on the speaker. For example, if one was running PortSentry one could ask Swatch to send an e-mail whenever a line containing 'portsentry' was added to the system log; the moment PortSentry spotted a scan Swatch would pick this up and immediately send an e-mail to the system administrator (actually, it seems Swatch polls the logs at about quarter-second intervals). The advantage of this approach is that notification is sent out almost immediately (before an attacker can halt sendmail, say). The down side is that it generates an e-mail for every matching log entry; although it is possible to use the 'throttle' feature to ignore further repetitions of an identical event within a given time, merely similar events will not be blocked. For example, if PortSentry detects successive scans against all ports from 600 to 1000, then 400 e-mail messages will be generated. [This is probably surmountable, but needs clever use of throttle's use regex option.] Other disadvantages are that it is always active, and so may affect the performance of smaller systems, and also that in situations such as the portscanning above Swatch can be overwhelmed as events can be generated much faster than it can deal with them (avoid using the 'bell' in search rules likely to produce this). The final problem is that Swatch depends on a config file listing the various search rules to apply to the log file(s), but the distribution doesn't even include a sample. Included below is a modified version of that in A. Hsiao: "Teach Yourself Linux Security Basics in 24 Hours" (Sams Publishing, 2001); see also the examples in the LISA93 paper on the Swatch webpages. ### BEGIN watchfor /ROOT LOGIN|uid=0/ echo red mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\,subject=".SW.Root Acivity" bell 2 watchfor /REPEATED|repeated/ echo red mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\,subject=".SW.Repeat Acivity" bell 2 watchfor /portsentry/ echo red mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\,subject=".SW.PortSentry Alert" watchfor /FAILED|INVALID|authentication failure|Unauthorized/ echo mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\,subject=".SW.ID issue" bell 1 watchfor /changed by/ echo blue mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\,subject=".SW.Password Change" bell 2 watchfor /caught signal|exiting|abnormal|aborted|restart|registered/ echo blink mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\ #mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\, subject=".SW.Unknown" bell 2 watchfor /kernel\:|init\:/ echo blink mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\ #mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\,subject=".SW.System" bell 2 throttle 01:00 watchfor /file system full/ echo mail addresses=J.Nebrensky\,subject=".SW.FS Full" bell 1 throttle 01:00 watchfor /LOGIN FROM/ echo ### END Installation ------------ This section is based on Swatch 3.0.4 on RedHat 6.2 (not a full install of everything). Swatch requires perl 5 and the following modules: Time::HiRes, Date::Calc, Date::Format, and File::Tail These weren't on the system, so the easiest thing was to install CPAN and then use that to automatically find and install the others. Go to and in the modules list find and download 1)Test::Simple (i.e. Test-Simple-nnn.tar.gz, not the individual .pm files) and 2)CPAN. Install these in turn using the instructions below (stolen from ### BEGIN What To Do Once You've Downloaded A Module From The CPAN You have a file ending in .tar.gz (or, less often, .zip). You know there's a tasty module inside. There are four steps you must now take: DECOMPRESS the file UNPACK the file into a directory BUILD the module (sometimes unnecessary) INSTALL the module. Here's how to perform each step for each operating system. This is not a substitute for reading the README and INSTALL files that might have come with your module! Also note that these instructions are tailored for installing the module into your system's repository of Perl modules. But you can install modules into any directory you wish. For instance, where I say perl Makefile.PL, you can substitute "perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/my/perl_directory" to install the modules into /my/perl_directory. Then you can use the modules from your Perl programs with use lib "/my/perl_directory/lib/site_perl"; or sometimes just use "/my/perl_directory";. 1.If you're on Unix, (You can use Andreas König's CPAN module to automate the entire process, from DECOMPRESS through INSTALL.) A. DECOMPRESS Decompress the file with gzip -d yourmodule.tar.gz You can get gzip from Or, you can combine this step with the next to save disk space: gzip -dc yourmodule.tar.gz | tar -xof - B. UNPACK Unpack the result with tar -xof yourmodule.tar C. BUILD Go into the newly-created directory and type: perl Makefile.PL make make test D. INSTALL While still in that directory, type: make install Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to install the module in your Perl 5 library directory. Often, you'll need to be root. That's all you need to do on Unix systems with dynamic linking. Most Unix systems have dynamic linking -- if yours doesn't, or if for another reason you have a statically-linked perl, and the module requires compilation, you'll need to build a new Perl binary that includes the module. Again, you'll probably need to be root. ### As root, run CPAN - the first time you do this it will start an interactive session and ask about web proxies, nearest mirror sites and so on. You can then download and install any modules needed by typing "install Module::Name" at an interactive CPAN prompt. Install Swatch itself using the same basic UNPACK-BUILD-INSTALL process above (double-check docs for details - it should end up in /usr/bin/). Edit and save a config file somewhere sensible - /etc/swatch.conf seems popular. You can now test it out using: /usr/bin/swatch -c /etc/swatch.conf --examine /var/log/messages or use a dummy log file with known problems. Once you are happy with the rule sets and actions, set it to watch the logs: /usr/bin/swatch -c /etc/swatch.conf --tail /var/log/messages & and try doing something "nasty" (e.g. just su to root in another session) and make sure it triggers. If you need to watch more than one log file, you'll need to start a separate Swatch for each file. Start-up -------- To load Swatch on boot-up I added /usr/bin/swatch -c /etc/swatch.conf --tail /var/log/messages & to the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local (i.e. before final 'fi'). Alternatively, to control Swatch automatically save the script below can be saved as /etc/rc.d/init.d/swatchd, then /sbin/chkconfig swatchd on will start it up and let you control it like any other service from e.g. linuxconf. It's a chronic bodge (doesn't track PIDs or report status, etc.), but then it's arguable that Swatch shouldn't be easy to control... ### BEGIN #!/bin/sh # # chkconfig: 2345 85 35 # description: Starts and stops swatch instances # processname: swatch # Source function library. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions case $* in start) /usr/local/bin/swatch --config-file=/etc/swatch.conf --tail /var/log/messages & ;; stop) killall swatch ;; *) echo "usage: $0 (start|stop)" exit 1 esac exit 0 ### END