Upgrading to LCG 3.0.0 UI on RH SLC3 Follow guide at http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/documentation/LCG2-Manual-Upgrade/ (v3.3.0-0) but not too closely as known problems... Have working 2.7.0 UI. Update apt sources.list, check /etc/apt/preferences is already OK. apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade This installs updated YAIM, so add "return 0" as line 2 of /opt/glite/yaim/functions/config_apel_* (no site so don't need any accounting) Fill out the site-info.def with VOS for likely internal users, and get full users.conf and groups.conf as proper site. Modify as previously, but make sure LFC_HOST, FTS_URL etc. are right. N.B. LFC_HOST != MON box! (Install host certificates) Check for errors reported by ldconfig. Change from LCG to gLite: apt-get remove lcg-UI apt-get install glite-UI Configure packages: /opt/glite/yaim/scripts/configure_node site-info.def UI Check Middleware Configuration ------------------------------ Edit $EDG_WL_LOCATION/etc/edg_wl_ui_cmd_var.conf $EDG_WL_LOCATION/etc/edg_wl_ui_gui_var.conf $GLITE_LOCATION/etc/glite_wmsui_cmd_var.conf to include a default VO and output locations. Edit edg-wl-ui-gui-env.sh and .csh in /opt/edg/var/etc/profile.d and /opt/edg/etc/profile.d to have correct JAVA_INSTALL_PATH Edit glite-wmsui-gui-env.sh and .csh in /opt/glite/etc/profile.d/ to have correct JAVA_INSTALL_PATH That's it. As user: ~> grid-proxy-init ... ~> /opt/glite/bin/rgma-client-check *** Running R-GMA client tests on young *** Checking C API: Success Checking C++ API: Success Checking CommandLine API: Success Checking Java API: Success Checking Python API: Success *** R-GMA client test successful *** Create /tmp/jobOutput to hold returned output. This will be deleted if unused for too long, so add a weekly echo `touch /tmp/jobOutput` Done to crontab. Add setenv X509_USER_CERT /data/certs/${USER}/usercert.pem setenv X509_USER_KEY /data/certs/${USER}/userkey.pem to pico /usr/local/lib/profiles/CSHRC, to avoid need to keep user certs on NFS. Create dummy entry in /data/certs/ for services ln -s /etc/grid-security root