Upgrading site MON box to LCG 2.4.0 on SLC 3.0.4 Get guide from http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/documentation/LCG2-Manual-Upgrade/ I used guide v2.4.0-1 Already have a working LCG 2.3.1 MON box. Update /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lcg.list to rpm http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/gis apt/LCG-2_4_0/sl3/en/i386 lcg_sl3 lcg_sl3.updates Check YAIM + everything is up-to-date: apt-get update apt-get install lcg-yaim apt-get upgrade Update Java, using nodeps rpm -Fvh --nodeps j2sdk-1.4.2_07-fcs.i586.rpm Run the upgrade apt-get -f dist-upgrade [apt-get upgrade-kernel] Adjust the site configuration file: fill out the new site-info.def with suitable values; get new-format users.conf Configure packages: /opt/lcg/yaim/scripts/configure_node site-info.def MON It now gets confused because of the Java change, so re-boot. The R-GMA tests should then work /opt/edg/bin/rgma-server-check is OK /opt/edg/bin/rgma-client-check fails edg-rgma-servicetool fails to start as can't "contact R-GMA server" Major confusion reigns, even on re-boots/reconfigs... Use Kyriakos Ginis / Emanouil Atanassov's recipe to fix: - uninstalled (with rpm -e) lcg-MON, edg-java-security-tomcat4, and tomcat4 - re-install: /opt/lcg/yaim/scripts/install_node site-info.def lcg-MON - configure: /opt/lcg/yaim/scripts/configure_node site-info.def MON YAIM doesn't ensure tomcat starts after a re-boot, so: /sbin/chkconfig edg-tomcat4 on APEL Get APEL 3.4.43 from http://goc.grid-support.ac.uk/gridsite/accounting/ and upgrade. Use FQDN of MON box in /opt/edg/etc/edg-rgma/apel.xml and ensure this file is only accessible by root (chmod 600) APEL still won't run - need to define RGMA_HOME=/opt/edg in crontab. Servicetool: (chkconfig edg-rgma-service-status off) service edg-rgma-servicetool start chkconfig edg-rgma-servicetool on May need to start manually after reboots, as tends to start before Tomcat. Site Publisher: fill out details in /opt/edg/etc/rgma-publish-site/site.props and chkconfig edg-rgma-publish-site on R-GMA performance tweaks: In /etc/tomcat4/tomcat4.conf add ulimit -n 16384 # Java VM options for memory control JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1024M" By default is set to 256M. (The JAVA_OPTS line will break rgma_config, so must be commented out whenever the configuration is repeated, either directly or by .../yaim/scripts/configure_MON.) Though YAIM now reruns config at every reboot, this seems OK. (In /opt/edg/share/webapps/R-GMA/WEB-INF/web.xml change maxTupleMemory for all servlets to -1.) This is already done by YAIM. (Edit /etc/tomcat4/server.xml and set maxProcessors="1000" for the 'Connector port="8080"'.) This is already done by YAIM.