Upgrading stand-alone MON box for gLite 3.0.2 on SLC 3.0.8 ("new" YAIM) The aim of the exercise was to install a "stand-alone MON box" (i.e. a set of servlets NOT associated with a particular Grid resource). There are two main options: 1) Follow "client" and "server" install instructions at http://hepunx.rl.ac.uk/egee/jra1-uk/LCG/doc/index.html 2) Use YAIM to create a standard LCG MON box associated with a not-quite-existent site, a bit like the UI. As we're supposed to be doing performance testing with reference to the LCG testbed, I've gone for the second option to get the same configuration details, even though it's the less attractive route. Start with 3.0.0 machine. Check /etc/apt/preferences is already OK. apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade This installs updated YAIM, so add "return 0" as line 2 of /opt/glite/yaim/functions/config_apel_* (no site so don't need any accounting) Fill out the site-info.def with VOS for likely internal users, use null users.conf and groups.conf. (Install host certificates) Configure packages: cd /opt/glite/yaim/bin/ ./yaim -c -s /root/lcg3_0_0/site-info.def.TD_LCG300 -n MON Fix errors reported by ldconfig. Now have something like a proper MON box! /opt/glite/bin/rgma-server-check Turn off rgma-publish-site, rgma-gin, rgma-glue-archiver and edg-fmon-agent. In /etc/cron.d/check-tomcat, add a log file to save an hourly e-mail: 10 * * * * root /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat5 start >> /var/log/cron-check-tomcat 2>&1 Stop for a nice cup of tea.