Installing site MON box for LCG 2.3.0 on SLC 3.0.4 Get guide from I used guide v2.3.0 Install a "standard" SLC box. Make sure you include GCC and CPP, and I tried to avoid everything that would need X11. Avoid MySQL and anything CERN specific. Remove CERN related stuff from /etc/pine.conf Setup NTP client, as per instructions. Get and install YAIM, and fill out the site-info.def. Install packages: /opt/lcg/yaim/scripts/install_node site-info.def lcg-MON Follow the instructions that the mysql RPMs give about setting up passwords. Configure packages: /opt/lcg/yaim/scripts/configure_MON site-info.def If using R-GMA 3.4.35, get new /opt/edg/libexec/edg-rgma-restart-all at Fill out site details in /opt/edg/var/edg-rgma/rgma-tools-defaults Restart R-GMA, the R-GMA tests should then work /opt/edg/sbin/test/edg-rgma-check /opt/edg/sbin/test/edg-rgma-run-examples APEL Get APEL 3.4.41 from and install. Use FQDN of MON box in /opt/edg/etc/edg-rgma/apel.xml and ensure this file is only accessible by root (chmod 600) Missing R-GMA performance tweaks: I've made the following changes: In /opt/edg/share/webapps/R-GMA/WEB-INF/web.xml change maxTupleMemory for all servlets to -1. (restart Tomcat) (-1 = unlimited; I've also seen 358 used) In /etc/tomcat4/tomcat4.conf add ulimit -n 16384 # Java VM options for memory control JAVA_OPTS="-Xms64m -Xmx1024M" The JAVA_OPTS line will break rgma_config, so must be commented out whenever the configuration is repeated, either directly or by .../yaim/scripts/configure_MON. (I'm not sure the ulimit doesn't have to be set in $EDG_LOCATION/etc/init.d/edg-tomcat4 )