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2. Detailed Description of the Research Work

The objectives of the proposed project are to compare discrete, logic-based constraint satisfaction with continuous optimization strategies, and to design a framework for the integration of these two paradigms. We propose to take constraint logic programming as an exemplar of the former paradigm and neural networks of the latter. Concretely, we intend to to illustrate our theories by the design and construction of a translator of logic programs into neural networks.

In the world of logic computation we have as the central (virtual) data structure proofs. The process of constructing a proof (tree) entailing a certain statement can be seen as the essence of logic programming. Additionally, by the Curry-Howard correspondence proof normalization corresponds to the evaluation in -calculus, i.e. functional programming. In the neural network approach we have the training of neural networks as the main constructive algorithmic aspect, it optimizes the (weight) structure of the network such that a certain desired behavior is reached. The evaluation of a neural network is achieved in general by an iterative process applying the encoded knowledge to process some input pattern.

The continuous approach with neural networks enables some type of efficient optimization strategies (e.g. gradient techniques), but for the price of expressiveness. The represented knowledge is hard to formulate in linguistic terms, for example: how to relate a certain weight configuration with some simple (logical) rules. This makes it hard to initialize neural networks -- which would be important as the training of neural networks can become extremely expensive -- and to extract knowledge from a trained network to examine it more closely or to transfer it to other systems.

The proof construction methods in computational logic gain this strict expressive power for the price of loosing a usable topological structure. The similarity of programs or proofs is hardly expressible which makes it impossible to use arguments and techniques based on analogy or similarity of programs or proofs. It is therefore hard to approximate the behaviour of a (partial) object and optimization techniques like in the continuous case cannot be used.

The particular approach towards comparing and integrating both frameworks is to be based on a functional analytical model of algorithms. Operator algebras, in particular especially well behaved ones like C -algebras, provide a general framework for investigations concerning computational processes -- both from a logical point of view as well as seen in evolutionary computing.

Such algebras are not only of relevance in several mathematical disciplines dealing with dynamic processes, but also play an important role within logic or semantic models. Girard's Geometry of Interaction represents and characterizes (linear) proofs within a C -algebra setting [Girard, 1989,Girard, 1988,Girard, 1995]. Mulvey's Quantales are an abstraction of the lattice of closed right ideals of a C -algebra [Borceux et al. , 1989,Abramsky and Vickers, 1993]. Mundici investigated (the Lindenbaum algebras, i.e. MV-algebras, of) multi-valued logics via the K-Theory of C -algebras [Mundici, 1986,Mundici, 1989]. In the Geometry of Implementation for the -calculus optimization strategies are based on elements and features of a C -algebra of paths [Malacaria and Regnier, 1991,Asperti et al. , 1994,Danos and Regnier, 1995].

Our own recent results on a formal semantic model of neural networks demonstrates how C -algebras can be used for specifying neural networks [Wiklicky, 1996b,Wiklicky, 1996a]. This operator algebraic approach is an abstraction from the concrete representation of neural networks (e.g. by a weight matrix). In principle, a wide variety of network models -- including also stochastic ones (related to simulated annealing) as well as recurrent ones -- can be handled and analysed in this framework.

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Herbert Wiklicky
Fri Jun 14 13:32:12 BST 1996