The EBI fully acknowledges and thanks the NCBI for letting us use of their program for this service.
Choose here the databases you which to run your
protein sequence against. The names of the database
referr to:
Database Description Program swall SWALL Non-Redundant Protein Sequence Database
SWISSPROT + TREMBL + TREMBLNEWblast(p,x) swissprot SWISS-PROT Protein Database blast(p,x) swnew Updates to SWISS-PROT blast(p,x) trembl TREMBL blast(p,x) tremblnew TREMBLNEW (Translated EMBL Updates) blast(p,x) pdb Brookhaven Database Sequences blast(p,x) gpcrdb G protein-coupled receptors blast(p,x) embl The EMBL DNA sequence databank blastn est_* EST divisions from the EMBL databank blastn htg_* HTG divisions from the EMBL databank blastn htg0_* HTG Phase 0 divisions from the EMBL databank blastn gss_* GSS divisions from the EMBL databank blastn emnew EMBL daily updates (cumulative) blastn imgt IMMUNOGENETICS Database blastn evec EVEC - EMBL Vectors extracted from SYN blastn igvec IGVEC - Intelligenetics Vector Database blastn