horse-shoe Protein structure horse-shoe TOPS diagram

BioInformatics Group, Department of Computing at City University

News - We are moving!

The BioInformatics group is moving to the Department of Computing Science, Glasgow University, from April 2002.
Watch this space for more announcements!

Group presentation slide show

Software Systems


Bioinformatics resource page

BigC Members Seminars

Tops and Bioinformatics Seminars

Bioinformatics Group Leader:
  • Dr. David Gilbert, Reader in Bioinformatics -

  • Research Interests:
  • Constraints and bioinformatics
  • Protein Topology
  • Transcriptional regulatory regions
  • Biochemical networks and the analysis of gene expression data
  • Graph Database and Query Language for Bioinformatics
  • Interactive visualisation and exploration of biological data
  • Application of bioinformatics approaches to computer science

  • Wellcome Trust IRDA Research Fellow :
  • Dr.Juris Viksna -
  • Research Interest: Pattern matching and pattern discovery algorithms for protein topologies

    Marie Curie Research Fellow :
  • Dr.Olivier Sand -
  • Research Interest:Topological representation of transcription regulatory regions

    Research Assistant on the BBSRC/EPSRC :
  • Gilleain Torrance -
  • Research Interest:Tops Project

    Ph.D Student :
  • Aik Choon Tan -
  • Research Interest:BIOINFORMATICS: Machine Learning of Patterns for Protein Structures and Functions

    Ph.D Student :
  • Ali Al-Shahib -
  • Research Interest:Assigning function to genes using a variety of data sources by combining predication with varying levels of uncertainty

    Ph.D Student :
  • Mallika Veeramalai -
  • Research Interest:Incorporating sequence and interaction information in topological models of protein structure
  • Undergraduate student projects 2001-2002

    Amir Ali, "An interface to the aMAZE database": A web interface will be created to dynamically connect to the aMaze database in Brussels via RMI (Remote Method Invocation), the main purpose of which is to compute metabolic pathway queries on the database. The aMaze database is a collection of Metabolic Pathways and Gene Regulations. It is written in Object Oriented Oracle SQL.

    Neha Dhulia, "ViewTOPS: A tool for visualising TOPS diagrams in 3D": ViewTOPS will be a tool for visualising TOPS cartoons (topology representations of protein structure). The project is based on work done by David Gilbert and David Weasthead on "Formalising TOPS cartoons, the development of an interactive similarity search mechanism over TOPS database and a TOPS-base structure comparison method". Each TOPS cartoon represents Secondary Structure Elements (SSEs) and backbone of a protein structure. It was originally represented as a pseudo-3D projection on a 2D surface. This project aims to produce a system to display the same cartoons in a custom-built 3D viewer. This project is linked with the BBSRC/EPSRC funded TOPS project "Patterns, functions and structures on a protein topology database", joint between City University and the University of Leeds.

    Darshit Mamtora, "Database Of TOPS Patterns": develop a TOPS "Motif" Database that will store patterns with biological meaning and group them in a way that they are recognisable in the form of sequences/families. These patterns will be determined from the result of a successful match between the pattern(s) and structure(s) using the process of pattern Discovery/Comparison. This project is linked with the BBSRC/EPSRC funded TOPS project "Patterns, functions and structures on a protein topology database", joint between City University and the University of Leeds.

    Tien Dung Vu, "Visualisation, Pattern Discovery, and Pattern Matching of Topological Representation of Transcriptional Regulatory Regions": Design and implement a web-based system for Transcriptional Regulatory Regions patterns. The system has a pattern database, graphic generation routines, pattern discovery, pattern matching, web interface for humans, and web interface for programs. This project is linked with Dr Olivier Sand's European Union funded Marie Curie Fellowship project " Topological representation of transcriptional regulatory regions".

    People associated with the group:

  • Mansoor Saqi (Queen Mary),
  • Jacques van Helden (Universite Libre de Bruxelles),
  • Michael Schroeder (Senior Lecturer, City),
  • Penny Noy (research student).

    What is Bioinformatics?

    We regard Bioinformatics as an emergent discipline in its own right, and as a new field has many definitions. We define Bioinformatics as

    `the development and application of mathematical, statistical and computer methods to analyse biological, biochemical and biophysical data, and guide biological assays'.

    This is very close to the NIH definition of Computational Biology:
    `the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavioral, and social systems.' []

    Areas of our research:

  • The description and analysis of biosequences.
  • Protein structures.
  • Biochemical networks (metabolic pathways and regulatory networks).
  • Databases.
  • Visualisation and agents for bioinformatics.

    Techniques that we use:

  • Computation with constraints.
  • Computations over graphs.
  • Machine learning.
  • Pattern discovery.
  • Interactive display of data.
  • Probabilistic methods.

    Research Projects

    Past Research Projects

    Active Research Links:

  • European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI).
  • Medical Microbiology at Queen Mary.
  • The Department of Biochemistry at University College London (UCL)
  • The Universite Libre de Bruxelles.

    David Gilbert's Research Interest

    Constraints and bioinformatics

    • Rolf Backofen and David Gilbert, Bioinformatics and Constraints, Constraints ISSN 1383-7133 6:2/3: 141-156, June 2001 [On-line abstract] [Preprint].

    Constraints and languages for description of biosequences:

    We have formalised a language for describing constrained patterns in biosequences, and developed an efficient non-backtracking algorithm for finding a given pattern in a sequence:

    We have generalised this to a context-sensitive language which permits the description of two-dimensional structure of biosequences, such as tandem repeats, stem loops, palindromes and pseudo-knots. Algorithms for structure searching using constraint logic programming and CSP have been developed. (In cooperation with Ingvar Eidhammer and Inge Jonassen - University of Bergen, Norway), [Sides: (Brazma & Gilbert) (Ratnayke's implementation].

    • Ingvar Eidhammer, David Gilbert, Inge Jonassen, Madu Ratnayake and Svenn Helge Grindhaug, A Constraint Based Structure Description Language for Biosequences, Constraints ISSN 1383-7133 6:2/3: 173-200, June 2001 [On-line abstract] [Preprint].

    We have subsequently used constraint solving techniques in our protein topology pattern matching algorithm.

    Protein Topology

    We have developed a constraint-based system for searching protein databases, pattern discovery and protein structure comparison. The approach is based on the TOPS topological representation of protein structure, using the formal version of the TOPS language we have made, and incorporates constraints over finite domains. Searching is achieved using an efficient constraint-based algorithm we have designed to match a TOPS pattern to a TOPS diagram. We are now carrying out research into developing several approaches to pattern discovery in protein topology diagrams, and comparing them. The underlying motivation is to efficiently automatically generate patterns classifying sets of proteins and to apply this to characterising databases of protein structure.

    We have developed a fast topology-based structure comparison method which is not based on residues, but on secondary structure elements (helices and strands) and associated H-bonds and chirality information. The system makes an alignment of the secondary structures of two proteins, using a common pattern dicovered by our learning technique. A score is calculated which can be thought of as a measure of the inserts-difference between the target and the diagram, normalised by the size of the pattern discovered.

    Computing issues: These problems can be reduced to checking for subgraph isomorphism and finding maximal common subgraphs in a restricted class of ordered graphs. We have developed a subgraph isomorphism algorithm for vertex ordered graphs, which performs well on the given set of data. The maximal common subgraph problem then is solved by repeated subgraph extension and checking for isomorphisms. Despite the apparent inefficiency such approach gives an algorithm with time complexity proportional to the number of graphs in the input set and is still practical on the given set of data.

    In cooperation with David Westhead (University of Leeds), Janet Thornton (EBI), Nozomi Nagano (ex UCL) and Juris Viksna (University of Latvia).


    Transcriptional regulatory regions

    Olivier Sand (Marie Curie Research fellow), researcher.

    The project addresses the challenge of developing tractable methods to analyse regulatory sequences in higher organisms, where strictly sequence based approaches are less likely to succeed due to the complex interaction of several regulatory elements. We propose to use a topological representation of regulatory sites in order to take advantage of the reduced level of complexity of algorithms that can be developed at this level of abstraction. Topological approaches to the representation and analysis of complex structures in bioinformatics have so far been mostly developed in the field of protein structure. We propose to adapt the work on TOPS diagrams carried out by David Gilbert to describe and analyse transcriptional regulatory regions in genomes. More information here.

    Computing issues: As with TOPS, checking for subgraph isomorphism and finding maximal common subgraphs in a restricted class of vertex-ordered graphs. An additional issue is that `vertices' have a length and these may overlap in the order. We intend to use the approach developed in [Brazma and Gilbert, 1995] and [Eidhammer et al, 2001] as a basis for the pattern language and (possibly) pattern matching algorithm.

    Biochemical networks and the analysis of gene expression data

    In cooperation with Jacques van Helden, Shoshana Wodak and Lorenz Wernisch, European Institute of Bioinformatics. EBI is currently developing a database of metabolic and regulatory pathways, using an entity-association model; the biochemical entities include proteins, genes and small compounds. The associations represent processes by which these entities interact with each other : reaction, catalysis, activation/inhibition, expression, transcriptional regulation, transport. This model amounts to formalising the cell as a large network of interacting molecules. The network for yeast includes some 6200 genes / proteins, and 4000 small compounds. Such large networks are split into several subgraphs, each encompassing a set of entities that are involved in a common biological process (metabolic pathway, signal transduction pathway, ...). Each subgraph is represented graphically in the form of a pathway diagram.

    Based on this data representation, we are developing prototype tools to perform:

    • Pathway navigation : find the shortest path from a compound to another one; find all the genes that are directly of indirectly affected by the depletion in a given metabolite.
    • Pattern search : find all occurrences of a given pattern. The pattern is defined as a graph made of nodes and arcs, with eventual constraints on the type of some elements.
    • Pattern discovery: extract unknown patterns that occur frequently in the pathway graphs.
    • Graph abstraction. Starting from the detailed description of the interactions between elements, build views at different levels of representation.

    Computing issues: Path searching algorithms in restricted types of graphs, checking for subgraph isomorphism and finding maximal common subgraphs in restricted classes of graphs. Automatic graph layout. See:


    Graph Database and Query Language for Bioinformatics

    The aim is to design the format of a database suitable for bioinformatics data and to devise mechanisms to perform data deposit, retrieval and analysis. A prototype has been developed to test the implementation of database manipulation and query mechanisms.

    Computing issues: expressivity, efficiency, data manipulation and support for complex operations such as pattern discovery.

    Interactive visualisation and exploration of biological data

    We are working on the display and navigation of biological data, using distance metrics, clustering and various other algorithms (e.g. spring-embedding). This research is motivated by the need to analyse the large and rapidly increasing amount of complex data now available to researchers working in the field of bioinformatics. We are presently undertaking the design and development of an experimental system. Penny Noy, an industry funded research student, is undertaking research into the visualisation of complex systems.

    Computing issues: Analysis of higher order data. Automatic layout. Interactive displays.

    • Michael Schroeder, David Gilbert, Jacques van Helden, Penny Noy. Approaches to visualisation in bioinformatics: from dendrograms to Space Explorer. Accepted for publication in Information Sciences: An International Journal, Elsevier, 2001.
    • David Gilbert, Michael Schroeder and Jacques van Helden, Interactive visualisation and exploration of relationships between biological objects, Trends in Biotechnology, 18:12 [203] pp 487-494, 2000.


    Application of bioinformatics approaches to computer science

    We have developed a theoretically founded framework for fuzzy unification and resolution based on edit distance over trees. Our framework extends classical unification and resolution conservatively. We prove important properties of the framework and develop the FURY system, which implements the framework efficiently using dynamic programming. We evaluate the framework and system on a large problem in the bioinformatics domain, that of detecting typographical errors in an enzyme name database.

    • David Gilbert and Michael Schroeder, FURY: Fuzzy unification and resolution based on edit distance, BIBE 2000: IEEE International Symposium on Bio-Informatics and Biomedical Engineering, November 8-10 2000.


    Juris Visksna's Research Interest

    Automatic extraction of rules for protein classification

    Computing Issues:  We have developed a new subgraph isomorphism algorithm for vertex-ordered graphs. The algorithm is further used for finding a maximal common subgraph by repeated extensions of subgraphs and checking for isomorphisms with all graphs in the given set. This leads to maximal common subgraph algorithm that works in linear time with respect to the number of graphs in the given set; however the complexity grows very rapidly with respect to the size of graphs - the algorithm appears to be practical only for sparse graphs with up to 100 vertices and up to 100 edges.

    Biological Issues: The subgraph isomorphism and the maximal common subgraph algorithms are used  for comparison and classification of protein secondary structures, given as TOPS diagrams. They are sufficiently fast to find in practical time a common substructure for any given set of TOPS diagrams; moreover the checking of a given substructure against the database of all TOPS diagrams can be done in miliseconds. This approch can be used to speed up protein comparison at the secondary structure level (the existing methods tend to be much slower) and to find non-apparent common substructures. The limitation of this method is comparatively small information content of part of the TOPS diagrams  - good results can be obtained mainly for alpha-beta and beta proteins that have sufficiently large number of secondary structure elements. The current studies are focused on extension of TOPS formalism to made our methods applicable to larger classes of prioteins.


    Olivier Sand's Research Project

    Topological representation of transcription regulatory regions

    In order to function properly, our cells need to produce various definite subsets of molecules in various precise amounts, depending on several criteria. Those are location of the cell in the body (organ, tissue...), age (foetus, infant, adult...), environment (temperature, infection, drugs,...) and others. Some regions in our genome contain the information to control the production of molecules by our cells. The understanding of how these regulatory regions work is essential for medical applications such as gene therapy. Tools to identify and analyse the regulatory regions of genomes have been and are being developped by bioinformaticians. My research project is a participation to that effort.

    The project addresses the challenge of developing tractable methods to analyse transcription regulatory regions in higher organisms, where strictly sequence based approaches are less likely to succeed due to the complex interaction of several regulatory elements. We propose to use a topological representation of regulatory sites in order to take advantage of the reduced level of complexity of algorithms that can be developed at this level of abstraction. Topological approaches to the representation and analysis of complex structures in bioinformatics have so far been mostly developed in the field of protein structure. We propose to adapt the work on TOPS diagrams carried out by David Gilbert, to describe and analyse transcriptional regulatory regions in genomes.

    As with TOPS, checking for subgraph isomorphism and finding maximal common subgraphs in a restricted class of vertex-ordered graphs. An additional issue is that `vertices' have a length and these may overlap in the order. We intend to use the approach developed in [Brazma and Gilbert, 1995] and [Eidhammer et al, 2001] as a basis for the pattern language and (possibly) pattern matching algorithm.

    Gilleain Torrance's Research Project

    Tops Project

    Topological, abstract descriptions of proteins makes for faster structure comparison. In turn, this allows for discovery of common patterns in sets of structures. Rapid classification and possibly structure prediction are the goals of this, the TOPS project.

    Computing issues:

    Graph representations of some biological objects provide a richer description than the usual sequence formats. We are preserving as much three-dimensional information as possible, without slowing down the subgraph isomorphism search algorithms. The discovery of patterns and classification of new instances becomes feasible while avoiding the more 'brute force' methods of others.


    Aik Choon Tan's Research Project

    BIOINFORMATICS: Machine Learning of Patterns for Protein Structures and Functions.

    Machine learning in protein topology: Beyond topological discovery.

    Biological science is an "understanding" and "explanation" discipline. There are few axioms or mathematical formulae to model biological systems. Biological systems are highly complex and the only way to understand these systems is by doing experiments. Thus, biological research is data driven research. With the increase in data, biologists are unable to cope with the expanding databases. Manual analysis and interpretation of the data is impossible to carry out.

    My research interest is in integrating the analysis from various biological data (sequence, structure, and function) using several machine learning techniques (including decision trees). Now, I'm looking at ways to combine patterns discovered from different machine learning techniques. A pattern is a set of common description express in high level language for a class of objects. A motif is a pattern with biological meaning. E.g. Figure 1 for ferredoxin reductase protein family. Obviously, different motifs represent different information for a group of proteins. Using combinations of "motifs" , different levels of confidence can be assigned when characterising a query protein into a protein family.

    Figure 1: Ferredoxin reductase protein family motifs.


    Ali Al-Shahib's Research Project

    Assigning function to genes using a variety of data sources by combining predication with varying levels of uncertainty

    The research I'm proposing to do is assigning function to genes using a variety of data sources and bioinformatics tools by combining predications with varying levels of uncertainty.

    If you are a biologist you may understand the necessity for assigning functions to genes but do not understand how to combine predictions with varying levels of uncertainty. In contrast, if you are a computer scientist, then you may understand how we can combine predictions with varying levels of uncertainty but do not understand the biology of assigning functions to genes.

    Thus as a bioinformatician (the marriage of biology and computing) it is my task to explain the reasoning behind this from a biologist point of view and from a computer scientists point of view.

    Biological Issues:
    There have been many debates regarding the exact number of genes we have and whether or not 97% of our genome is 'junk'. Recently, as a result of the completion of the human genome project and the availability of the vast amount of databases, scientists have predicted that we have 40,000 genes which means that we are literally 'twice a worm'! There is also controvercies about how many control genes, how many bacterial genes and how many mutations we have in our genome. This will then help us in identifying whether or not we have 40,000 genes or whether or not 97% of our genome is 'junk'. The main method into establishing this is to functionally annotate the genes. By doing so, we can not only establish the proportion of 'junk' we have in our genome but also essentially contribute into the success of areas such as health, agricultural, food and research industries.

    Thus due to the availability of the genome databases, we can use the concept of homology to possibly annotate a few selective or random genes. The sequences that we possibly may use in contributing to the homology procedure are the following:

    - Annotated sequences
    - Genes having correlated patterns of expression
    - Possible EST (Expressed Sequence Tags) or STS (Sequence Tag Sites) related sequences
    - Similar sequences in model organisms (e.g. E-coli or C.elegans) As a result, we will finally obtain sequences that have varying levels of

    - Clear-function - Nucleotide/protein sequence has functional annotation derived from probable homologues.
    - Tentative-function - Nucleotide/protein sequence has functional annotation derived from tentative homologues.
    - Homologue - Nucleotide/protein sequence has probable homologues of unknown function.
    - No-homologue - Nucleotide/protein sequence has no probable homologues

    Computing Issues:
    After using the databases and the bioinformatics tools to find possible homologues, we are proposing to program a computer system to allow the user to access the annotated functions of the genes easily and efficiently. As well as providing the user with a user-friendly method of accessing the database of annotated functions, we are also proposing to program the computer system to provide the user with an understandable explanation for the particular annotation chosen. In order to do so we must use the following techniques: 1- Weighted Logical Rules. This is a more biologist friendly approach (Clark, 1993). After designing a confidence level system whereby the sequence will be given an numerical confidence level, logical rules will then be used to combine knowledge from data sources which will limit the measures of uncertainty given by each data source. 2- Bayesian Belief Network (BBN). A BBN is a graphical network that represents probabilistic relationships among variables (Haddawy, 1994). BBNs enable reasoning under uncertainty and combine the advantages of an intuitive visual representation with a sound mathematical basis in Bayesian probability (underlying theory) (Montironi, 1996). BBN is not so much biologist friendly. Nevertheless, it has attracted much recent attention as a possible solution for the problems of decision support under uncertainty.

    A completed understanding and a more detailed view of this will be available once the project reaches this stage.


    Mallika Veeramalai's Research Project

    Incorporating sequence and interaction information in topological models of protein structure

    I am involved in algorithm development for TOPS Database to enhance topological protein models with sequence and important biochemical features (for eg. Ligand binding site, active site) that will lead to structure-sequence-function relationships. Interesting results would be valuable information to predict protein structure and function from sequence, and these problems remain key challenges of direct relevance to project in structural and functional genomics.
